please help!

i have two babies in my closet,the time cycle is 20on4off'
pretty sure they've got nute burn... :( what can i do to help them ?
i have been watering them i dont know when it's ok to start giving them nutrients again?
heres some pictures any help is appreciated, should i remove the dying leaves to allow more light to reach the lower parts of the plant?

happy growing!



Could be from the water. If there's one thing I learned on here is you don't spay when there under the light, the beads of water act like a magnify glass and will burn them. I'm no doc, but if you think it's nute burn, flush them with straight water and watch your ph and only feed once a week. What kinda soil you using and nutes you using, because they look like they can handle nutes to me.
i was worried about that, but when do am i supposed to spray them like i cant just open the closet when the lights off? i trimmed off all of the dying parts, hopefully they are okay.


Active Member
This plants will be just fine! Flush 'em a bit and keep your temp below 86f. If the root systems have not fully taken to the dirt you might want to even move the light away & reduce nutrient feeding until they do. Most people over-feed, few under-feed. Don't toast those babies! & be sure the water can drain. DX

Ebb n Flo

Active Member
yea ideal temps should be between 68F-76F, moisture between 40-50%. also flushing yor soil if you think nute burn is an issue. flood your pot of soil and let drain for a day or two then read the instructions on your nutrient package label. now instead of feeding your girls the amount shown on your nutes, cut that in half and thats what you should be giving your plants. until the last couple weeks of veg at that point bump up the nute strength to full.