Please Help :(


Well-Known Member
Hi i have a 17 day old ganja from seed that was doing amazing till just 2 days ago when a few newer leaves started drooping and looking sick. today they all are drooping. Im growing in a inclosed closet.

-I used soil that just said grow soil.
-Im using 2- 15 w cfls 24/7
-The humidity is 34' and temp is 28'c
-I use tap water sitting for 24 hrs once every 2 days with 1/4 cup
-Have a fan blowing 24/7 slightly on it

Any advice would be awesome. thank u and happy growing


Well-Known Member
wow, could be a variety of problems:

-if it's a time-release nutrient soil then it might be burning the shit out of your plant each time you water.

-If you're not adjusting the pH of your tap water then the plant is unable to absorb nutrients.

-Humidity is slightly lower than optimum range and temperature is slightly above.

-Is there any air circulation and/or ventilation?
Hey hey. Welcome! Alright, need some more info for the pros on here to even address the problem.
Such as:
What is it in?
pot with drainage holes?...

PICS!! Pics tell A LOT. I bet if you upload a few photos, youll get an accurate response within 12 hours.
If not pics, then discribe more. for instance are the leaves cupping? Up or down? any discoloration?
Need a few more details.



Well-Known Member
It was doing awesome just till a few days ago. My pot does have drainage, the leaves r cupping downwards, I'll check the ph today and get more info, here r some pics. I have been putting it in the sun when ever it can. There is also some light green discoloration in the newer leaves. :-?

I am planning also on using the 25-10-10 fertilizer but in half dosage when even fully introduced because of its high number.

If its the soil should I be transplanting into better soil and also bigger pot, someone told me 50/50 with peat moss and perlite.

here is my grow journal



Well-Known Member
I am already using 2 cfls and now sunlight, is there another type of grow lamp you mean or just bigger cfls, maybe also a 2700 k cfl to cover the rest of the spectrum? Im already dealing with too much heat so i cant use an MH or HPS bulb.


New Member
some bigger cfls, but i also added one of those plant lamps, there specifically used for growing ... Mine took off like mad when i did that. maybe upgrade to some 25w cfls make sure there daylight ones though.


Active Member
At that stage u shouldnt even be giving them nutes for the first couple weeks they will do fine on just plain water then start them off on some thing really lite like canna start or something 4 young plants an even then start wiv quarter the dose then as they get use to it up the dose gradually never exceeding wat it says on the back of the bottle


Well-Known Member
At that stage u shouldnt even be giving them nutes for the first couple weeks they will do fine on just plain water then start them off on some thing really lite like canna start or something 4 young plants an even then start wiv quarter the dose then as they get use to it up the dose gradually never exceeding wat it says on the back of the bottle
Im not gona use nuts till a month old i think, and yes i will introduce them small and gradually go up. Would these nutes work? Cuz i already bought them for the higher nitrogen.

What type of grow lamp are you suggesting?


Well-Known Member
Im heading to the hydroponics store, any suggestions on what to get, should i transplant because im using cheap soil. Doesnt say if it has any nutrients added. Thank you guys for replying plus reps to ya :)