Please help with ventilation!!!!

  • [h=2]
    Please Help Cooling Grow Room???[/h]
    Have a 10x10x8 bedroom. I have 3 600w hps air cooled hoods being vented out of window by 600cfm fan. And have 440 cfm fan pulling through carbon filter out of window too. Fresh air being pulled through lights and pushed though holes in the wall from another room. Temp won't drop below 83 with door open and gets to 91 with door closed. What should I do??? Any suggestions would be grateful please!!!!!!​



touch your hoods. are they hot? if so your not expelling the air out of your hoods. what size flanges are on your hoods and what fan are you using? Sounds like a 8" fan reduced to 6" pushing through the lights. If your hoods are cool to the touch than your intake temp must be high.


Well-Known Member
Dont pull fresh air through your lights, its heating up your air too much. Run two seperate air systems, one for lights strictly fresh air to lights then exhaust out window. Then run one for fresh air to grow room, and an exhaust with filter out window to eliminate odors.

I ran my ducting through inside of my tent its 8x4, I have two 600's with temps never reaching about 74 in southern california without A/C.

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Dont pull fresh air through your lights, its heating up your air too much. Run two seperate air systems, one for lights strictly fresh air to lights then exhaust out window. Then run one for fresh air to grow room, and an exhaust with filter out window to eliminate odors.
I agree with this. It is definitely most efficient to pull the air from outside through the ducts and vent it back out side. Even if it's hot outside. just make sure the cfm is at least 120 for each 600w reflector, or 200cfm for 1000w reflectors. Then you can either seal the room and use a/c and co2, or exhaust from another spot on the window and bring fresh air into the room.

Here's some examples, all I could find at the moment. Of course you wouldn't have the carbon filter at the beginning of the series because you would be exhausting out the window with another fan separately from the fan exhausting the reflectors..

Dont pull fresh air through your lights, its heating up your air too much. Run two seperate air systems, one for lights strictly fresh air to lights then exhaust out window. Then run one for fresh air to grow room, and an exhaust with filter out window to eliminate odors.

I ran my ducting through inside of my tent its 8x4, I have two 600's with temps never reaching about 74 in southern california without A/C.

Thanks for all the reply but I have one more question. So I should pull the air from my room through my lights instead of from another room? Or should I pull the air through the window I'm exhausting through my lights? I have one window where I run my exhaust threw? So would it pull the heated air through the lights or is that ok?

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
It'd be like this. Same window, 3 total exhaust ports. 2 for reflectors, 1 to exhaust room. And then another to bring air into room unless you feel it can come in fast enough under the door or whatever. So ducting brings in fresh outside air to travel through the reflectors and back out the other port back outside. It's helpful to split the ports a couple feet apart if possible so it doesn't pull back air from the fan blowing air out. The other port should have a fan with a carbon filter blowing air outside.