Please help with crispy leaves


Well-Known Member
I've had crispy lease the entire grow but only a few hear and there. I couldn't pin point a deficiency with the charts around but the crispy leaves progressed and have now turned all my fan leaves into dry tan crispy leaves.

Closet grow using dwc. Using gh flora series. Ph is always between 5.2-6.2. Water temps are always under 72ish. I think my problem is from the climate. Now that winter is here, my complete flower time has had a RH of under 30% every single day. My air temps are 79-81 during lights on and 70 lights off. I'm thinking that since it's so DRY in there that the extra few degrees in air temps are cooking the leaves. I had the 600w light the proper distance and even backed it way off. But it seems my crop is going to be a bust now.

The picture is a few weeks ago and the leaves have all turned more brown and crispy from then. Is this from a dry climate and a few degrees hotter than ideal? Nute burn is possible but ruled out after feeding Just water for a week and keep the ppm's under 500 at all times.



Active Member
It's not completely lost, a bit of a yield decrease but not a total bust. It looks exactly like what happened to me in the summer a few years back......Lamp burn. You might want to upgrade exhaust fans. I had to add a straight duct from outside with a 450 cfm vortex to my hood and out the other side of the room plus and additional 450 cfm vortex as the hot air exhaust from the room as well. I'm using a 4ftx4ft 6.5 ft tall room with 1000w hps and it doesn't get over 76 and is in mid 60's at night. solved the leaf burning prob and increased average yield


Well-Known Member
This does not look like heat/environment. I would guess nute burn as well for sure if this is effecting all levels of plant equally.

Remember no burnt growth will recover. If you flashed already start again with 1/4 to 1/2 what your were feeding. I'm no hydro grower but just a guess


Well-Known Member
I thought nute burn too. But I've had the ppm's in the 300-400 range using the .7 scale. I've been at those ppm's for 5 weeks and the crispness has only gotten worse. With that being said, I'm finding it hard to believe that was only from nute burn.

I did burn them in the beginning of flower but back off right away. Now, I'm reading that with bad climate conditions, deficiencies can arrise or lockouts from the super low RH and higher temps


Well-Known Member
Anyone else? I'm using passive intake with a 6 inch inline fan. Carbon filter. The only passage ways for air to enter is the cracks of the door and 2x 1"x10" vents.


Well-Known Member
Going to add a 4" duct fan to also bring in air. And leave the vents as well. Then add another humidifier to help bring the RH up


Well-Known Member
Then that's really from just over nutes? My ppm's have been super low even with straight water it was getting worse. Like all my green leaves are now crispy. 7X worser than the pic above.


Well-Known Member
Found my issue. When the RH is really low and temps are up, the plants drink a lot more water which means they take in more nutes than they can handle. I should have lowered my ppm even though I was really low. It came down to my climate causing a nutrient problem, no surprise...

Added 2x cool mist humidifiers to help combat both the RH and the few degrees. Praying...