Please Help... What wrong with my plant...

infamous hawaii

Well-Known Member
This plant is 7 weeks into flower and this just started happening abolut 3 days ago and just starts to get worse. Its in hydro. I thought it was a nitrogen def., but the plant seems limp so then i thought it was under watering. Now im just not sure. I flushed yesterday and gave new nuts but it seems to just be getting worse. Any help would be great. There is also another plant in the dwc with no problems but its a different strain.



Well-Known Member
hopefully someone else has a better option, but the only thing that I can say to you, is that you should just harvest now, because those plants aren't coming back from that.


Active Member
What was the ph and ppm in the res?
Should be nigh impossible to over water a hydro set up.
Get some reverse osmosis water, and run that straight with no nutes at a ph between 5.8 and 6.2 then wait.
I hope it works out, those are some good looking buds you got.