PLEASE HELP!!! Question about soil!!!


Ok so I just transplanted into this new mix that I'm trying out and I want to know what you think...

60% MG Seed Starter Soil

20% MG enriched Perlite (NPK .04, .01, .06)

10% MG Organic Bone Meal (NPK 6,9,0)

10% Rootall Rooting Hormone powder

I'm also using MG Bloom Booster (NPK 15,30,15.)

I went with the seed starter soil because it was softer and more "airy" than any others I found.

I got the Perlite to increase aeration, and to enrich the somewhat mildly enriched soil.

The Bone Meal was used to increase Nitrogen, as well as Phosphorus levels, to compensate for a lack thereof in the Blooming nutrient, to induce more "veg" growth. I didn't intend on them being this small after veg, but I had no choice but to induce flowering when they were small.

So, can anyone tell me if this sounds like a good mix for the rest of the plant's life?


Active Member
best thing to do is stick with till your done, then make sure your light hight, level and giving them 18-20 on. 4-6 off, dont over water or feed, also read much as you can take in, many methods to learn,

problem and solutions, tril and error. :)


best thing to do is stick with till your done, then make sure your light hight, level and giving them 18-20 on. 4-6 off, dont over water or feed, also read much as you can take in, many methods to learn,

problem and solutions, tril and error. :)
Sorry...forgot to mention that I'm already flowering...I've been flowering for a while, but I barely stuck this last plant in the flower room, and before I did, I transplanted into a new container with a soil mix that is similar to, but also different from the soil it came from.


Well-Known Member
"My last grow-Bagseed-One 13w Cfl-One Stereo playing continuous Greatful Dead-One 42" Plasma T.V. w/looped video of the sun. Yield=16 lbs! bongsmilie"

man i just woke up this is GREAT! do u have the link to the crazy thread that started all this?


Well-Known Member
10% MG Organic Bone Meal (NPK 6,9,0)
MG Bloom Booster (NPK 15,30,15.)
" lack thereof in the Blooming nutrient" << THERE IS NO LACK , those numbers (in my opinion) are VERY high . bone meal IS a bloom food with pretty good numbers by itself, then u add that MG bloom boost and your numbers are off the charts......BUT as long as u know what u are doing with that stuff then you will be fine! i would definatly not use that stuff every watering. how many weeks have u been in flower?
Also on your next veg use the blood meal for veg and the bone for bloom. Blood meal has all the high nitrogen and alot lower phosphorus levels which is better for veg.
Now as far as how much of what...... i am not sure yet.....still learning that one myself! I am very scared of nutes myself so i have never "pushed" um to the limits YET....(i have also never had over feeding probs either which is good but i still dont know just how far i can push um yet)


10% MG Organic Bone Meal (NPK 6,9,0)
MG Bloom Booster (NPK 15,30,15.)
" lack thereof in the Blooming nutrient" << THERE IS NO LACK , those numbers (in my opinion) are VERY high . bone meal IS a bloom food with pretty good numbers by itself, then u add that MG bloom boost and your numbers are off the charts......BUT as long as u know what u are doing with that stuff then you will be fine! i would definatly not use that stuff every watering. how many weeks have u been in flower?
Also on your next veg use the blood meal for veg and the bone for bloom. Blood meal has all the high nitrogen and alot lower phosphorus levels which is better for veg.
Now as far as how much of what...... i am not sure yet.....still learning that one myself! I am very scared of nutes myself so i have never "pushed" um to the limits YET....(i have also never had over feeding probs either which is good but i still dont know just how far i can push um yet)
Yea sorry about that...I meant to say veg nutrient...i was high lol...Anyway, I was going to get the blood meal now, but I'm planning on selling most if not all of what I grow, to fund my 2nd, mostly personal grow, so I decided to wait and just get the bone meal. All of my plants that I transplanted into the new soil mix seem to be adapting VERY well. They all have extensive new root growth (I'm sure that's because of the rooting hormone I mixed in,) and ALL 6 are now well into flowering. My plants are all pretty small, so I'm hoping to pull at least a half o off of each one after drying, but that's being VERY optimistic imo. Here's a pic of one of my better looking plants...



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Staff member
Ok so I just transplanted into this new mix that I'm trying out and I want to know what you think...

60% MG Seed Starter Soil

20% MG enriched Perlite (NPK .04, .01, .06)

10% MG Organic Bone Meal (NPK 6,9,0)

10% Rootall Rooting Hormone powder

I'm also using MG Bloom Booster (NPK 15,30,15.)

I went with the seed starter soil because it was softer and more "airy" than any others I found.

I got the Perlite to increase aeration, and to enrich the somewhat mildly enriched soil.

The Bone Meal was used to increase Nitrogen, as well as Phosphorus levels, to compensate for a lack thereof in the Blooming nutrient, to induce more "veg" growth. I didn't intend on them being this small after veg, but I had no choice but to induce flowering when they were small.

So, can anyone tell me if this sounds like a good mix for the rest of the plant's life?
I used that MG bloom booster my last WW grow & experienced and explosive veg growth around week 6 of flower. Pushed me into 11 weeks to mature. The numbers are wayy too high. But thats how it worked out with me



I used that MG bloom booster my last WW grow & experienced and explosive veg growth around week 6 of flower. Pushed me into 11 weeks to mature. The numbers are wayy too high. But thats how it worked out with me
Sweet! I hope mine do that but I'm not too sure if they will or not yet. Anyway, I just started them of full strength nutes a couple days ago and a couple plants have VERY slight nute burn, so I'm going to dilute my nute solution by filling the container up the rest of the way with plain phed water, so hopefully that will be a good mix of nutes/water. All of their white hairs are starting to swell up and get trichs all over them, so I'm just waiting now for my leaves to start getting all frosty


Global Moderator
Staff member
Sweet! I hope mine do that but I'm not too sure if they will or not yet. Anyway, I just started them of full strength nutes a couple days ago and a couple plants have VERY slight nute burn, so I'm going to dilute my nute solution by filling the container up the rest of the way with plain phed water, so hopefully that will be a good mix of nutes/water. All of their white hairs are starting to swell up and get trichs all over them, so I'm just waiting now for my leaves to start getting all frosty
What I intended for you to get out of that was that the NPK numbers (MG Bloom Booster - NPK 15,30,15.) are too high! you want something much lower in N for sure, try finding something like a 0, 15, 5 (in this area, not necessarly exact #'s).
Veg growth during flower causes stretching and causes the plant to want to focus on making new leaves, not fill the buds. You obviously want it the other way around.


Well-Known Member
What I intended for you to get out of that was that the NPK numbers (MG Bloom Booster - NPK 15,30,15.) are too high! you want something much lower in N for sure, try finding something like a 0, 15, 5 (in this area, not necessarly exact #'s).
Veg growth during flower causes stretching and causes the plant to want to focus on making new leaves, not fill the buds. You obviously want it the other way around.

i agree,, those #'s are too high. use somthing close to what he ^^^^^ suggested.


Well-Known Member
That plant looks fuckin sweet. Its also nice to see that you have used MG with no nute burn. Some people just can't figure that one out. +rep to you sir.


Thanks for all the feedback guys, and North sorry for misinterpreting ur post again! :dunce: I don't think I should be patrolling the forums under the influence any more lol. Anyway, I plan on buying different nutes, but as of right now I can't find anything around here with little or no nitrogen and a high phosphorus content, and I just don't have the money for FF nutes/soil :(


Active Member
I feel your pain East, I cant afford FF Nutes yet either, but I will! Until then, use what you can to help your plant along. Lots of little things and cheap things can help your plant. IE: molasses, boiled eggshell water, seltzer water...youd be amazed at the things you can find by just continuing to read, read, read, read and read. Ive been reading for a week, about 12 hours a day(thats when the lights are off in my grow room) lol!


Global Moderator
Staff member
Thanks for all the feedback guys, and North sorry for misinterpreting ur post again! :dunce: I don't think I should be patrolling the forums under the influence any more lol. Anyway, I plan on buying different nutes, but as of right now I can't find anything around here with little or no nitrogen and a high phosphorus content, and I just don't have the money for FF nutes/soil :(
Ok, if you gotta use the MG then cut it down to 1/4 strength & add 1 tbsp of Molassas (un sulphered) per gallon. Do this every other watering & see if you can find a better bloom nute.