please help-nute burn or light to close?


Well-Known Member
Unless it hit the light psychically I'd say nute burn.

Could also be light bleeching if it's real close with no air movement.

Have you recently used fertilizer?


New Member
thanks i fed this am about 12hours ago. out of 6 plants only 2 showing signs so far. thanks again.


New Member
thanks lilroch, was going to flush but it has been 24 hours and no more damage showing. only one plant showed real burn and onyony on that little bit in photo so should be alright. thanks again jeff62


Active Member
do you still need to transplant? if so this would be a better option than flushing. flushing is not good. :cuss:


New Member
the plant with the damage was a northern storm auto,its in a 2gallon pot so was not going to transplant as i read that with auto should seed into container that itis going to finish in.hoping that since only small damage showed on very top leaves and has not spread that i got lucky. thank again everyone jeff62