please help. need some experinced feedback. WHITE WIDOW!!!!!!


Ive got 10 white widow girls, vegging for 12 weeks in 3 gal pots of soil. Bc grow and bloom nutes. 80 degrees temp. 4- 400 watt lights. 2 mh , 2 hps. All four lights on 19 hours a day. 700 cfm inline fan 8" with air cooled hoods. 70 sq feet is room size on the floor. 2500 lumenins of light hitting the floor of room!!! Lst and topped the plants alot. Ph around 6.8-7.0 soil. My question is, if i flower now, then what yield could i expect from each plant? Please help. Need the experienced. Plants look great.


Brick Top

New Member
With there being something like 25 genetically different White Widow strains to pick from, and of course the original that was renamed Black Widow, and in that they range from being mostly sativa to mostly indica there can be some variance in yield so it would be rather difficult to predict with much if any accuracy.

Whose White Widow did you grow?


I'm a newbie White Widow grower. I veged for 31 days, now in flower for 29 days. These ladies grow HUGE, could triple in height during flower. Mine are closing in on 5 ft! Inside a 3x3 closet. Lots of buds.