Please help my soil mix


Active Member

I have 1.8 gallon soil mix. 50%humus, 25%ashes, 25%sand

I am in Myanmar. Following are the thing I can find. Dunno how much to use in my soil mix

1. Cow manure
2. Bat guano
3. Bone meal
4. Azomite
5. Gypsum powder
6. Tea leaf compost.

How many table spoon for each I have to use in my 1.8 gallon soil mix. Please help me. Thanks


25% ashes is a bit much. I'd adjust that mix to something like 50% humus, 25% perlite/coco coir/pumice (whatever you can find), 20% tea leaf compost, 5% ashes then add a couple tbsp of either manure or bat guano, one tbsp azomite, 3-4 tbsp gypsum

Skip the sand altogether


2 or 3 would be fine for that amount of soil. Be careful over there, from what I understand your country is a rough place.