Please help i dont know if there doing good


Active Member
planted these and they sprout before thanksgiving i just started to feed them i tbsp of fox farms grow big with a gallon and for some reason to me they look weird the leaves are like wavey well the first set so i cut some of them off dose this matter:roll:



Well-Known Member
the pics. are kind of foggy but other than that they look good from what I can see.....No worries man....somtimes mother nature just likes to fuck with us stoner's and throws out weird shit like deformed leaves, or a set of 6 instead of 5 or 7,....etc...If they start to wilt or become yellow or anything i would ease off the nutes find the problem


Well-Known Member
they look ok to me..they look like an indica strain the fingers of the leafs are wide and overlap


Well-Known Member

Most Indica varieties come from southern Asia and the Indian subcontinent (Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Tibet, Nepal, etc.).
Indicas are compact and stocky, with dense, heavy, fragrant buds. Indica buds tend to grow in clusters, with varying amounts of space (known as 'internode space') between each cluster.
Indicas are the faster flowering varieties, usually with a flowering time of 6 to 9 weeks.
Indicas do not tend to gain height rapidly once flowering has begun. An Indica may be expected to gain between 50 and 100% of its vegetative height by the end of its flowering period.
The effect of Indica is generally classified as a 'stone', meaning that it is more centred on the body. It may enhance physical sensations such as taste, touch and sound. It has a relaxing effect - mentally and physically - and may be soporific in larger doses.


Active Member
so is it good than that it is indica and also with the fox farm big bloom grow big and bloosom builder can i mix all of them at once i mixed the water today with 2 tbsps of big bloom and 1 grow big to a gallon is that good? and so indica is a good weed right?


Active Member
ill post another pic tm i tried getting a journal started but it didnt work for me no one veiwed but ohwell i gess ill just stay on this board but some more input on my pics i have would be great


Well-Known Member
indica is a better type canabis plant to grow indoors as they grow shorter that the sativa type also normally the buds are bigger.theres many types of indica and sativa strains..also you can get hybrid cross witch has genes from both indica ans sativa.....heres some info of the web

An indica plant is usually not too tall (about 1,5 mt max) with the typical shape of a Christmas tree. These plants are originated on high hills or mountain areas (ex. Nepal, North India etc).They are robust and easy to grow. They develop big buds that are really dense, with the calyxes pressed together. They tolerate a low level of stress pretty fine. The effect of an indica plant is so called "stoned" or "corporal", a strong body and mind relaxation. If we compare it with a wine, and Indica is an heavy red one.
A sativa plant is usually tall (from 1,5 mt on) with short branches. These plants are originated in tropical areas (ex. Caribbean, Thailand islands, etc). There are more buds sites than on an indica, but the buds are somehow less dense. The effect of a sativa plant is so called "cerebral" or "high", less strong than an indica on the body and with a more pronounced effect on the brain, where it goes from a creative feeling to a trippy one according to the power. If we compare it with a wine, a sativa is the champagne of cannabis.
Cannabis Ruderalis is not meant for marijuana production. The Ruderalis is a specie of cannabis originated in Russia, with height around the half meter, no side branches and little or no buds. It is used in the production of hybrids to make them more resistant, or to let them flower according to their age (instead than the number of hours of dark that they receive, like every other cannabis plant).


Active Member
thanks stu how many cfl bulbs do you think i need to flower? and also what do you think about my nutes mixture


Active Member
no there not just bags there pots with bags over them and there is holes in both when there waterd they leak out the bottom


Active Member
Why is it so hard to get anyone to post back to pictures? all im looking for is somoene to tell me how there doing and if they can tell if there male or fem


Well-Known Member
look too young to flower. cant tell sex for at least another week. they look healthy but need to veg for a few more weeks. how long did they vege?


Active Member
they veged for 2 weeks can i switch them back then i was trying to do a short bud process like 2 weeks veg and then 6 weeks flowering for more of a single cola plant