Please help flowering problem!!!

Hi all my girls been in flower for 4 weeks. Used house and garden bud xl, house and garden top shooter and nothing seems to be appearing, have I done something wrong? Any help is much appreciated. Thank you!!


Active Member
What is your light cycle?
You sure your lights are going off?
Any light leaks into the room during dark cycle?
My light cycle is 12/12 not as I know of there shouldn't be any light leaks and the light should be going of it's on timer so yh is should be working I'll try and get pics up as soon as possible thanks is this a mager problem tho???


Active Member
Yeah pics will help, but I would recommend that you check for light leaks and that all your timers are working the way you think they are, especially if they mechanical. Not having flowers at 4 weeks is not right.


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Just out of curiousity, have you looked for nanners? How old are they? The only things I can think of that would cause no flowering is heavy light leaks, which you've ruled out, temperature (above ~92 they won't do anything), be males, or be autoflowers. I'm assuming you aren't trying to photo induce autos cuz that'd just be silly. What's the temp like? Are there any sort of formations that look like green teardrops anywhere connecting leaves to the stem that would possibly be holding pistols?
Just out of curiousity, have you looked for nanners? How old are they? The only things I can think of that would cause no flowering is heavy light leaks, which you've ruled out, temperature (above ~92 they won't do anything), be males, or be autoflowers. I'm assuming you aren't trying to photo induce autos cuz that'd just be silly. What's the temp like? Are there any sort of formations that look like green teardrops anywhere connecting leaves to the stem that would possibly be holding pistols?

Hi there yes it has those tear drop things (calyx) either side of the stem there is plenty of thosenillmtry get pics up tomoz

The Weedster

Active Member
ive got teardrop shapes inbetween stalk and stem and ive got little hairs galour bursting out everywhere and buds forming at top and bottom of plant... Dont know really what strain it is but I know they are buds :)
Just out of curiousity, have you looked for nanners? How old are they? The only things I can think of that would cause no flowering is heavy light leaks, which you've ruled out, temperature (above ~92 they won't do anything), be males, or be autoflowers. I'm assuming you aren't trying to photo induce autos cuz that'd just be silly. What's the temp like? Are there any sort of formations that look like green teardrops anywhere connecting leaves to the stem that would possibly be holding pistols?

Alright mate woul the tear drops be on the very top part of thd plant??


Active Member
...check your bulb, you should have proper red waves and at a proportional height (roughly 18-22inches) to the top leaves.

...also consider certain strains take longer to flower...


Legal Moderator, Esq.

I know one is blurry but do you kinda see where it attaches to the stem? If left to veg a while longer this is where another bud spot would probably have formed and it's very common to get the lil teardrops. As long as they are in pairs, you're good. And if the top of the plant was producing a new leaf system to grow when you went into flowering then if could possibly be there.