please have a look what kind of Deficiency is goin on i couldnt decide


hello folks can you say what kind of deficiency goin on with my lady im worried

train wreck
flowering week 4
1000 watt cfl 5*200
advanced nut. sensi bloom 2 part and big bud
nice eu soil some german brand
25 degrees and %60 humi.
9 liters pot



Well-Known Member
That could be a whole lot of everything. I'm thinking your soil eu German? WTF is that? Do you know the statistics of your soil the amount of nutrients in it and the ph that its putting out? In your pic's it looks like burnt and ph or deficiency of some kind;-)It could be a multitude of issues:lol:


Active Member
The striping is very similar to a zink def but I dont think it is. I think it is an overdose of K. Speaking from experience of using AN Sensi & BB, if you give too much big bud too early, this is what you get! Your options are a flush, back off the big bud and just give sensi at 2ml/l each, not the 4 stated on the bottle. This is a common mistake for users of Sensi and I think it should be made clearer on the bottles that if both are used, it is a MAX of 2ml/L. Also, your humidity is very high for flowering. A RH of over 40% in flowering can be an open invitation for mould, budrot & PM (powdery mildew). One other thing, the damage at the top looks like extra damage from heat stress from IR light which can happen if the lights are closer than 8". Green mojo for your girls fella, they will recover but the damage will still be present. W


Well-Known Member
That is a N def, your plant is trying to produce buds and the small leaves that surround the buds and is using stored nitrogen from the fan leaves in order to feed them. I have been using sensi bloom for about five years and have found that to start using it about 3 weeks into flowering, keep your vegg food goin until then and slowly make the switch.. A couple of months ago I would have told you that it could possibly be a magnesium def but I did an expermnt because the exact same thing was happening to one of my strains and couldn't figure out why???? I tried EVERYTHING under the sun and finally said fuck it I'm gonna try keeping my vegg food going for at least 3 weeks into flowering and if i wasn't a son of bitch's uncle, that problem completely went away and magically fixed. Hit those ladies with a good dose of veg food and keep it up until you see an improvement and she will be fine... sometimes I think that these food companies have never even grown plants and all they do is guess what ratio's the plants need... Don't go by the old myth of cutting nitro so early into flowering and you'll be a happy camper


Well-Known Member
but once you get past the N problem you will have big fat buds like these from using sensi bloom



Active Member
5.8 is too low. You are locking out most nutrients. Thats why your plants are showing multiple symptoms. Raise it to about 6.8. Your Ph will drop down again as you add nutes.


it says 5.8 -6.9 at the back of soil bag.this is 4th time with this soil never had any problems before like this. actually in my first growing my buds thickness were like yours, it was unknown bagseed 2 females with 9 liter per pot i got almost 70 gram dry. buds were like my arm thick but i did topping . after that i did lemon skunk i topped it in veg stage and i got 25 grms buds were likle little nuggets . this time i didnt touch no topping no removing any fan leaves same soil same light same nutes this is happend may be i put the big bud early but i put big bud during flowering week 2. yesterday i did your solution i put veg food sensi grow 3ml each almost 10 lıter water ill repeat it tomorrow i hope it works .


Weed Modifier


hey today i found out that i have Symphilids in my soil i think thats the problem i couldnt find any solution to that guys? i found this product for solution but i couldnt find it anywhere in my area


ok today i put some neem oil ill wait my question is its flowering week 5 and stil at 36 cm and buds are small i wonder why ?