please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say


Well-Known Member
Mine will when the wife goes to bed..hahahaha...I love her but damn,she's gotta breath through her asshole! No way you can talk that much for so long and not breath in at least once!!


Well-Known Member
Hahaha!! Duck,that's the scum of the pond!..ohh wait till I show my dad..just to see if its more disgusting than him...hehehe!!


Well-Known Member
lol I have assigned avatars for many of you guys.,. in my mind... lol. It would be so weird to see your real profile pics.... lol... Like a shocking trip...haha.... Like you ever been described a place a lot but when you finally get there it is nothing what you pictured? mYhen we all precieve ourselfs differently too i bet... i mean we only get to see ourselves in the mirror... and never in action... unkess ou are in a doucumentary.... lol Duck prolly is


Well-Known Member
Figured it was about time I put an avatar up... Really blitzed right now and been re-playing Fallout NV all evening so this seemed like an obvious choice :p


Well-Known Member
Yeah, its a computer game. Fallout New Vegas.

" I was gonna google that shit, but then I got high.
I was gonna watch some youtube clips of it, but then I got high.
Now I'm posting on Roll It Up and I know why (why man?) yeah heyy
Cause I got high, Cause I got high, Cause I got high "

Sorry Afroman was playing on Pandora lol


Well-Known Member
I heard that's actually an anti-pot song..I've never heard anything else by him as far as I know.I can't remember cause I'm high!


Well-Known Member
I honestly don't know, I just always got a laugh out of it. My Pandora quick mix plays a very large variety of music. I've always interpreted it as a satire.


Well-Known Member
Went scouting in the mountains today(actually was moving a washer/dryer combo for my dad,so two birds one stone..)