Please any Brazillian smokers/growers out there!?!


Active Member
Hey, so, I am fucking tired of smoking fucking brick weed!!!!!!!
I know that the best solution would be to grow my own, but that option just isn't on the cards yet. It was, but things got fucked up, and now I'm back to scratch!

So, any Brazilians out there that grow/smoke? I live in Curitiba and am desperate for some real Mary Jane! Some nice crystal white bushy dank marijuana, my mouth is watering just writing this down!

I know this thread was probably written in vain, but I will be forever hopeful.

Peace folks, any help is appreciated!



Well-Known Member
the same shit happend to me when i moved it took me 6 months to get a good connect................. the cops were really busting down on crops in florida at the time they even has signs up that said "you think its dry this year wait till next year" and it had a weed plant with a X and this was a billboard on the side of the HWY


Well-Known Member
nope cus the gerillas grow there coke out there lol i dont think id walk off the beaten path you cant fuck around to much in south america.... iv never been to brazil but i have been to venezuela and colombia they dont play they will rob you for your ols ass dirty tang-top in some places


Active Member
Brazil is one big jungle!

I'm surprised that shit isn't growing wild
The drug system here is very very different, in comparison with the States or Canada or even my home country New Zealand. All of it, and I mean all of it comes in from Columbia, Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay and sometimes Argentina. What they do in these countries to make more money, is strip the whole plant off of the main stalk and compress it all together, utilizing the majority of the bad stuff and all of the good stuff, this makes the smoke horrible, anyway after they are done with it, they hook up with the drug dealers here in Brazil who are all dirty street thugs, that couldn't give 2 shits about the product they are selling, they quite often add to the brick weed with other foreign products, like manure, whiskey, actual grass, anything that increases weight to sell it for more. Then they will go around selling it to us all. I mean, you can find compressed weed these days that hasn't had shit added to it ofcourse, but you pay a little more.

These guys don't have the money, nor the living conditions to grow weed, every now and then I come across someone who has a plant or two, but usually end up getting ripped off and most of them have no idea how to properly grow weed. It's a sad cycle man, but that's how it is here. It's the same with coke, ecstasy not so much as it's harder to play around with. And Acid can be pretty bad aswell.

Anyway, that's my story, and that's why I only have fucking BRICK WEEEEEEED! I need to find a way to grow my own.

I guess the only advantage of all this is that weed is cheap as chips here, usually one real(brazilian currency) for one gram.

Anyway, I'm on the hunt for bush!!!
And once again, anyone know anything about anything here in Brazil, help a fellow smoker out!! :)


Active Member
Sorr for the bump, I don't usually do it, but I'm getting desperate!!!!!!

Help people's, help me jebus, help me jewish god!!


Active Member
Dude, what happened to your widows ??
Hey bro.

Yeah, didn't work out, fortunately I still have the seeds, just gotta fid somewhere to plant them. The house we were going to plant them at is a good friends, anyway his aunty is paying for it all and his Uni fees aswell, basically she found a roach of his and gave him a blasting! Now he isn't as keen anymore, I got a little upset, but what can you do!? I mean he is my friend, I understand him, and respect his wishes. What can I do you know?!

I'm still willing to let that happen, but I'm not going to let anyone that I don't know in on it. That's why I'm stuck at the moment. But I will hold on to these seeds until I can sought something out.......

Oh man, I just can't handle this fucking brick shit anymore!!!!


Well-Known Member
i'm from colombia and a couple years ago i went back for a month, i found some weed the made me vomit when i hit it. one of the worst experiences smoking weed, ever. idk why i was under the impression that south america would have good weed in most places. your description is reminds of the kind of shit my cousin would bring by, and after that first time i never even smelt it that whole trip


Active Member
i'm from colombia and a couple years ago i went back for a month, i found some weed the made me vomit when i hit it. one of the worst experiences smoking weed, ever. idk why i was under the impression that south america would have good weed in most places. your description is reminds of the kind of shit my cousin would bring by, and after that first time i never even smelt it that whole trip
I've never vomited after smoking, but I've ended up with pretty massive headaches, and really dopey, as if I had just smoked 6 joints in a row.
Yeah man weed here sucks dogs balls, and yeat everyone smokes it! It's kinda like it has become industrialised here, it's wierd.
And no one to help me out yet??!! :(
I know I'm being hopeful, but fuck it, I'm desperate!