Pleas Help! I'm newbie

So im planing to grow some Barnys Farm LSD outdoors for my first grow.I just wanted to know when i can harvest if i grow them for a month at home and then put them outside(april).I read that outdoor plants are harvested september to oktober but i was planing to harvest in juli so i can smoke through the summer.My question is if i grow Barnys Farm LSD outdoors (beginning in late february at home then moving in late march outside) when will the harvest be??? and is there a way to speed up to the harvest?(probebly not)(but thanks anyway)

CC Dobbs

Well-Known Member
So im planing to grow some Barnys Farm LSD outdoors for my first grow.I just wanted to know when i can harvest if i grow them for a month at home and then put them outside(april).I read that outdoor plants are harvested september to oktober but i was planing to harvest in juli so i can smoke through the summer.My question is if i grow Barnys Farm LSD outdoors (beginning in late february at home then moving in late march outside) when will the harvest be??? and is there a way to speed up to the harvest?(probebly not)(but thanks anyway)
There are so many wrong assumptions in this post that all I can say is just do what everybody else does until you have more experience.


Well-Known Member
So if i keep them inside for a month and then move them outside there going to take 8-10 weeks till harvest right?
MJ is triggered into flowering by the shorting length of daylight in the fall. You should plant "auto flowering" seeds if you want to harvest before sep/oct..