

how are my plants there both grew at the same time but one is smaller than the other i dont know if there male or female
sorry on the pictures i aint have a cam just my computer



Well-Known Member
honestly they look like the same exact plant but they look lil unhealthy all your leaves are droopiing.... explain to me your grow set up temps watering everything


thats just my lil one i just fix the plant before all the leafs was drooping and i thought it was finna die till i flush it out im finna put my other plant on here im just tring to get a good picture of it but my grow set up is really under budget im using sunlight till i can afford the lights i want i stay up north so our temp drop in the past 3 days to 70 to even lower degrees
am i doing good for me being so cheap


Well-Known Member
Just because one plant is larger or taller then the other does'nt mean male or female, it might be genetics of the plant. Even if they are the same strain of plant, 1 can grow quicker then the other.


i was just saying i cant tell if either one is male or female because i see no pistills
so how many stems should there be before it starts buding


Well-Known Member
That is question that is hard to answer, its up to the genetics, how long they veged for, etc... What you really want to focus on is the health of the plant. Sunlight is a great way to grow, cant do it my self but its great. What is your watering schedule like, how often and how much, nutes, no nutes?

We all want to help you produce beautiful ladies but we need details.


this is my big one it aint a whole lot big but bigger than the other one please comment

i water 3 to 4 days i check the soil to see if its moist, and i dont use nutes im not sure which ones to get first because i did some research and some nutes can help give more females and im not sure which ones yet



Well-Known Member
mid to upper 70's is perfect, but if you have huge fluctuations in temp everyday it can stress the plant. Plant stressed = hermie or male. Do you water till you see it coming out of the bottom of the pot?


mid to upper 70's is perfect, but if you have huge fluctuations in temp everyday it can stress the plant. Plant stressed = hermie or male. Do you water till you see it coming out of the bottom of the pot?

i check the temp and it was 70 so i think i was ok
every time i water should i see water coming out from the bottom


Well-Known Member
yes, you want to see water coming out of the bottom. That way you know it was completely watered and the impurities are being washed out.