Plants with many problems detailed description & pictures


Active Member
I'm having a few problems as all newbies do.

Problem 1

Very stunted growth

Problem 2

Yellow tips of leaves

Problem 3

Droopy leaves

Problem 4

Pale green leaves

Problem 5

Mal formed leaves on one plant and curly bumpy leaves on other plant.

The plants live in a ebb and flow hydro system


Plants get flooded 3 times a day up until 2 days ago switch to 2 times a day thought problem was over watering.


Light are on 18 hr a day

Plants started off life with only 2 18w fluro grow lights upgraded to 4 then switched to 400w HPS.

17/6/08 Plants under 2 18w fluro

6/7/08 put up 2 more fluro

8/7/08 put up 400w HPS removed fluro

(Note none of these lighting increases increased growth)


Started using half strength Dutch master one (veg) for 2 weeks then followed guide book I got with nutrients after that.

Burnt plants second week did not check reservoir levels they got low increasing nutrients strength fixed problem burring then stopped. Burning has come back but very minor not think it is too much nutrient may be a deficiency . Dont know if is a deficiency as I would presume a nutrient that clames to be the easiest all in one nutrient would have all I need inside.


PH levels are monitored reguraly stared off 6.5 dropped this to 5.9 as nutrient book sujjested they are now at 6.4.


Using collected rain water from buckets outside

Growing medium

Rockwool cubes that have been pre soaked in PH neutral water. Cubes also steamed to remove any bugs.


Please any one who can help me kick start these plants in to some healthy growth would be much appreciated. Currently my 2 plants are growing extremely slowly with many problems stated above.

see pictures below for more info



Active Member
Im curious about your pH level. Sometimes n hydro/aero, if there is a drastic change in pH ( possibly due to your Nutrient overload) the salinity actually locks out certain immobile nutrients. Try a Mg amp. I would get a spray bottle full of distilled water, and put 1-2 tsp. of a high Mg containing nutrient and give it a little spritz between the hours of 7am-10am and 4pm-5pm. Stomata most open. Also, if the salinity lock out occured, you may need to leech the roots. Always use 3 times the water to leech, at least an hour. Then Use that Mg pump on the roots a bit. Let me know if any of this help. Peace, and good luck.. Any pics?


Active Member
i had the same wrinkled leaves but in soil...i rinsed it and adjusted the PH and it was fine in a few prior PH was wacked and flucs (city water) i adjusted all water to 6 from now on..



Well-Known Member
You need to check your run-off mate and compare that to your res. readings (ph/EC)
Your Ph is rather high at 6.5 res(shoot for 5.6 in the res, your run off should be no more then 6.1), that tells me that it will be a bit higher in the medium.
What's tour EC? Anything above .6 is high at this point.
Once a day hand feeding them is all they need until they get some legs under them.

Good luck!



Well-Known Member
You also have a algae problem under the covers, that will mess with your ph as well.


Well-Known Member
A few things from what I can see, phfluctuation, nuterient burn, possible too much water....
Ph should be at 5.6, nute very very low for thos tiny plants, What do the roots look like... Are they nice and white, or a little brown? Looks like on top of everything they may be locked out....