Plants Turned Hermaphrodite What Do I Do?


Ive been budding for about 6 1/2 weeks now and sadly 2 days ago i noticed these small like seedpods on some of the budding sites,
i'm going twords the plant being a Hermaphrodite but still trying to convince myself otherwise? My first thoughts were to kill the plant instantly then i got thinking and decided to look at all my other plants closely and look to see if any other plants have started to develope the seed pods.. Well like i thought 3 other plants have slowly started to develop seed pods as well, maybe 2-3 on each plant right now but i see no evidence of banannas forming anywhere on any of the plants im just thinking it isn't to bad.. I think i am just going to finish flowering the seven plants, most likely all 7 are hermies now so there's no point in just killing the infected three plants because there all Hermed out.. I mise well try and get the Trichomes to get the most ambered i can before i chop them, I mean unless there is just to much seed production that it will ruin the smoke, then i will just chop them down. I have not seen one bananna on any of the plants though that is why i am so confused.I will take any comments or advise. what does everyone think should i kill my whole crop or just let them go, there all so frosty its so hard to kill them but i dont want my weed to be full of seeds either... For now though im just gonna let them grow and hope that to many seeds dont appear.

:leaf::leaf:Please Any Feedback Helps Should I Let Them Go?:leaf::leaf:

:leaf:Feel Free To check out My First Grow Journal has many updated pictures of buds n plants:leaf:


Active Member
Hmmmm where ?
I seed no Calyx with with drawn pistels OR any sign of seed. Maybe I'm blind.
I see the Calyx you are refering to but I see no definate indication it has seed in it.
Remove that calyx or test it using tooth pick or tweezerz to see if it's soild or at least turning more soild that thte others.
Either way your that close to finishing ... just leave it.
No point in pulling now.


in both the pictures you can see the seed in the middle the big green round thing. it is definitly a seed ive opened the calyx and a little green shell was in there that when popped it just has juice in right now, a pre hermie seed right?


Well-Known Member
you could turn off the fans bit and pick off the pollinators.

they wont come back, bit of a work though if you have many or big plants, probably wont get them all, unless you are diligent.

the bananas dont necessarily have to be fertile either.

but if there is a lot of them and they do pollinate the plants, expect 90% seeds and 10% buds, so if thats the case, might as well pull the plants now and start over, make hash or budder or something, depending on the quality of smoke (mine are fine at 6 weeks plus, bit speedier smoke and lighter harvest of course, but not bad)

id probably pick off the bananas.if i didnt have any smoke or plants ready to go into flowering, but you´d better hurry. just use your fingers.

some might be inside the buds.


Well-Known Member
but, he´s right, i dont see any bananas, though only a small portion of the picture is in focus, not a hint of bananas though.

if you are sure, take a better picture of them.

but looks like paranoia.

so small tip, learn to relax. dont worry so much.


Well-Known Member
ok, new info

if there are allready seeds, its allready seeded itself and the bananas are probably dead.

watch the plant, is it still growing (aside from the seeded bud, that wont grow no more, just build seeds)

if it is, you might let it just go on and fill out, the seeds will turn out female and will probably hermy the same (odds on that anyway)

and therefore bunk.

if its not growing, dunno if the thc will mature that much, with seeds in there, probably. might give it a bit more time, unless you got some plants ready for 12/12 or need to save electricity.


I haven't seen any bananas to pick off that's why i am confused by how there are seeds sprouting out.. in the picture i didn't say there were bananas there is however a seed is sitting in a calyx in the very middle of the pictures on my computer screen its very visible so i dono... don't look for a banana look for a greenish seed?? I've looked through my plants pretty well and found no bananas they must be inside the buds? could the plants just be popping seeds due to stress and there not hermies... i recently started using 4 new nutrients on all my plants..


Active Member
Could be a neighbor with a male...pollen can travel a mile or more and be sucked in by your fans. Don't worry until you see some real seeds, if you are not finding any bananas ( they can be sneaky) you probably won't get many seeds...but I sure wouldn't wait for amber if you do confirm seeds. I have smoked many fine buds still in clear without even cloudy showing. The longer you let them go, the more seeds.

Had a morph late in my last crop, ended up with maybe 5 seeds on each plant, pretty much confined to one bud and not spread all over the plant. But until you truly confirm seeds... don't worry.


Well-Known Member
Defo seeds my friend. Some pollen must have found its way into your grow area. Chop now before more seeds develop and completely ruin your harvest. Dry as normal and smoke. It will still be good


I've definitly confirmed seeds but maybe only one to 2 seeds on plants.. i have seven going in my room, pretty sure all of them are now hermies and i really dont want to kill them, should i just go as long as i can till it gets to the point where i have to cut cause of seeds then i could just pick them out before i clip them to hang n dry? I pretty much just want to still make some $ out of this, i cant just loose my whole crop, honestly i cant afford it im already down alot.. can i just let them go or will there be hella seeds? im thinkin each plant has about 1 to 2 ozs on each plant, how many seeds would there be on each plant if i let them finish for 2-3 more weeks?


Well-Known Member
Personally I would chop, salvage what you can and totally bleach your whole grow area and start again. Make sure you control all the variables in your grow area, if you never even seen any balls, the pollen must have got in somehow. Seeds will start developing like crazy as the plants are coming near to death. If using femzd seeds I would advise investing in a product called Dutch Master Reverse. I use it as a cure but some people use it for prevention. ie once you go 12/12 treat with the reverse and repeat process 10 days later. Ive had to use it this grow as my plant went a bit hermie. 100% success. Good luck whatever you choose to do


Active Member
Wow, people here really like to jump guns. Lots of people get a few self seeded plants. Stress can cause them to self polinate. They are technicaly hermies sure, but If you have a serious issue at hand, the entire crops already pollinated. Most of the time, it means just a few small chunk seeded themselves and arnt gonna seed everything. Is it on higher up branches, or lower ones? Lower branches can get stressed from lack of light, when compared to earlier in there lives.

In the end, you will make $0 and maybe get shot if you harvest to early and try selling it. People buy seeded bags, they dont buy thc'less bags. Seeds don't make it less potent, just more of a hassle when trying to pack the bowl.


Well-Known Member
"Seeds don't make it less potent, just more of a hassle when trying to pack the bowl"

Come on, of course they do. Someone will use this as their sig my friend


Active Member
"Seeds don't make it less potent, just more of a hassle when trying to pack the bowl"

Come on, of course they do. Someone will use this as their sig my friend have 420 posts.... if you read this before you post again :-)

Seeds do make a big difference in quality of bud for sure, and taste. If you only have a few here and there, really not a big deal...if you notice that your girls are going to develop seeds all have to chop and cut your losses if you want decent bud, imho. I for one would not be pleased to pay for bud by the gram loaded with heavy morph seeds.

Were the seeds you found developed? If so, you probably already have what you are going to get, if it's not bad don't worry. Can you share another picture? Perhaps the seeds you found also?


Well-Known Member have 420 posts.... if you read this before you post again :-)

Seeds do make a big difference in quality of bud for sure, and taste. If you only have a few here and there, really not a big deal...if you notice that your girls are going to develop seeds all have to chop and cut your losses if you want decent bud, imho. I for one would not be pleased to pay for bud by the gram loaded with heavy morph seeds.

Were the seeds you found developed? If so, you probably already have what you are going to get, if it's not bad don't worry. Can you share another picture? Perhaps the seeds you found also?
Sorry don't really know what u mean. I was saying seeds do make a massive difference to potency, contrary to what Jankedyjoe said and if your plant/s has been pollinated and its nearly 7 weeks into flower, chop that bitch before more seeds develop. If you can only see 10-20 seeds you know for sure that there is going to be at least 10x more. IMO but what the fuck do I know. lol


Active Member
Ive been budding for about 6 1/2 weeks now and sadly 2 days ago i noticed these small like seedpods on some of the budding sites, i'm going twords the plant being a Hermaphrodite but still trying to convince myself otherwise? My first thoughts were to kill the plant instantly then i got thinking and decided to look at all my other plants closely and look to see if any other plants have started to develope the seed pods.. Well like i thought 3 other plants have slowly started to develop seed pods as well, maybe 2-3 on each plant right now but i see no evidence of banannas forming anywhere on any of the plants im just thinking it isn't to bad.. I think i am just going to finish flowering the seven plants, most likely all 7 are hermies now so there's no point in just killing the infected three plants because there all Hermed out.. I mise well try and get the Trichomes to get the most ambered i can before i chop them, I mean unless there is just to much seed production that it will ruin the smoke, then i will just chop them down. I have not seen one bananna on any of the plants though that is why i am so confused.I will take any comments or advise. what does everyone think should i kill my whole crop or just let them go, there all so frosty its so hard to kill them but i dont want my weed to be full of seeds either... For now though im just gonna let them grow and hope that to many seeds dont appear. :leaf::leaf:Please Any Feedback Helps Should I Let Them Go?:leaf::leaf:

There is no way that I could chop my ladies 6 1/2 weeks into flowering. I would hunt down and pinch off every ball and banana that I could find. Your buds look damn good, I didn't see any seed pods but you have a better view than the one that I have. I've read in grow books that this sometimes happens late into flowering and is not much of a concern. Regardless, if I had ladies that looked that good that far into flowering I would have to continue to harvesting. What's a couple of seeds when they are covered in frost? Just my opinion:leaf::leaf::finger:


Active Member
Quality yes, it does effect the quality. On the otherhand, it is an old wives tale that the plants stop producing thc after being seeded. You will get just as high (many people think even higher) off of a seeded bud. The issue is with the weight. Nobody wants to buy by weight when you cant smoke seeds. People hate seeds because they just add weight. You will get less for the seeded bag, but will get nothing good from an under-developed bag.

Seeds do not stop thc production, they just add needless weight. Don't sell premature bud, It will not get you high, or very little. Seeded bags still get you high. High people don't shoot you, people who feel ripped off will. Nobody will buy a super seedy bag and come back saying they were ripped off because they saw it, they knew there were seeds. You cant see thc potency, it is perceived. The seeded bag will not make people think they are smoking dank, but they will get high. If it looks dank but does not get you high, you will have issues.


Active Member
Are you a MMJ caregiver or do you grow and sell for profit? I didn't see where you said either, but a lot of the replies are mentioning "selling", and potential buyer not wanting seeds. A few seeds for my personal stash would not matter to me if I had sugar buds like the ones you showed in your pictures.:leaf::leaf::finger:


I am a Medical Marijuana patient in the state of Washington was going to be growing for personal use also was going to try and sell to some dispensaries but with hermie bud that's out of the picture so i was just gonna sell to my MMJ Buddies for a decent price.. I was hoping to at least get back what i dropped on my setup which was about $1300 for the rooms, then about $500 for Nutes but will have enough for a few crops.. Well actually this is my first grow I've done thanks everyone for commented on how good my buds yes they are certainly frosty (they love my Nutrient juice Ive been feeding them..) but they got few seeds sprouting now :( .. Are they looking really good for 7 weeks i don't really know I've worked around a lot of flowering plants in my life but never have actually watched the entire flowering stage week by week.. but yes they are all starting to get seeding.. yesterday when i checked there was probably 1-2 big green seeds in the calyx's on the top buds and that's pretty much it, but then looking throughout the entire plant mostly the lower branches are looking like they are starting to bud more seeds probably like 3 seeds for ever lower bud site perhaps??? How many weeks you guys think i got left? I just want to try and make some decent smoke-age with not to many seeds.. even I just get the trichomes to cloudy i just want a decent high you know not have it be a full waste! How many seeds would there be if i let them bud for 2-4 more weeks?

Heres a pic of another frosty Hermie haha....
Close up on Buds



Well-Known Member
Chop a couple of popcorn buds off the bottom of the plant, trim, put in a paper envelope and sit on your ballast or put in an airing cupboard overnight. Smoke it. Looking at your buds I can defo say you will be wasted. If your happy with the stone. Harvest.(slow drying and curing will make the stone 10x better) If you wait the plant will develop more seeds. Lots more. But hey its your plants.