plants stunted? or growing really slow...


my plants are growing very slowly now. they don't look HORRIBLE, but the leaves dont seem to me standin up or standing at all. i was hit with a heat wave and temps got up to over a 100F. is looking a little droopy a sign for heat stress? i am in the 3rd week of vegging, is the ideal vegging temperatures the same as budding temperatures? (i read 72-76)

here are some pics:



Well-Known Member
i like to keep my veg temps around 75. the edges of your leaves are looking up, which means they are trying to get rid of moisture. so maybe when you had the heat wave, your humidity jumped as well. they should recover ok if you keep your temps under control. they probably just got really scared also. give them some time and some TLC, you will probably be fine in 3 or 4 days and back to rapid growth. nice looking plants on another note.


so if i watch the watering, and the temperature, how fast is normally the turnaround...before i have to start lookin at another diagnosis??
I think the drooping is def heat related. Usually when leaves are droopy from heat, they revive once you water the plant well. I think they will be fine. Yeah 72-76 is a nice range.
you should see some improvement pretty quick...if not, then might be something else. so if the same or worse, worry, if getting a bit better than should be uphill from there

any better today?


i got the temperature down to 85 consistantly, im going to trade in my swamp fan for a bigger one (30 bucks more) and add a couple of wall fans. hopefully this will take it down to 75. i was a dummy and left the automated feeding on. so as of feeding, i havent fixed the problem. so hopefully within the next 2 days i see a drastic improvement. i will update here. thanks =)