Plants Look a Little Yellow Pictures!


my first grow!!!
first off my set up is 2-1000watts lights with 18hr lights on/6off

just a quick question, im in my 4th week of veg and my plants r looking a lil yellow.

im at full strenght now in my nutes, using sensi part A+B and b-52.

i know my lights r a lil low how high schould i be also?

Kinda tacoing ad there r like 5 leaves that look like this yellowing



Well-Known Member
Seed or clone? Seed you just have 2 different Pheno's and the plants are different. Clones we need to see the yellow, I do not see yellow in the pictures and from what I see they look fine. Hold your hand between the light and plant and you should be smart enough to figure out if its too low. Nice first run man!


Seed or clone? Seed you just have 2 different Pheno's and the plants are different. Clones we need to see the yellow, I do not see yellow in the pictures and from what I see they look fine. Hold your hand between the light and plant and you should be smart enough to figure out if its too low. Nice first run man!
clones. and thanks hoping to get like 4oz per plant. its all medical for me :)


Well-Known Member
Ah you added the yellow pics thanks! With the leaf curling it looks like Mag def are you using RO? Can you add some Cal Mag? Keep the lights as low as possible use your hand to gauge the heat level.


Well-Known Member

The photos of the leaves curled, but not discolored, that to me looks like heat/light problem that you're mitigating via additional or frequent watering. As a result, you are most likely experiencing a ph issue, problably alkali.

Even with good temps, you may still have them a bit closer than I would go. 1000 watts demands a lot out of a plant, raise the lights about a foot.