Plants got too tall


My first grow and I germanate seeds and put in rockwool cubes and its been 4 days and my plants are 4 inches tall and thin. Falling over and weak at the base. I'm feeling disgusted with myself. Did I not put the lights close enough. ?? Help?


Well-Known Member
Don't fret about it......prop them up with some support and increase the light. They will firm up and be fine- it's not a big deal.

I take metal hangers, and cut a piece of straight wire from it. I bend the top at an angle to hold the seedlings until they can stand on their own.

Illegal Wonder

Well-Known Member
That looks like root... which shouldn't be in the light. They got stretched because like you said the light was too far, and in desperation reached up to get food. I'm guessing you're doing hydro because of the rockwool, so I'm not sure the fix for that. If you're using soil you can T-plant them and bury the stem a few inches and problem solved.

Whats your lighting?


you might have germed them to long before you put them in rockwool, they should go in the rockwool when the seed just pops open and is about 1/4long.


Thanks for the help guys. I read I wasn't suppose to squeeze the cubes cause it would take the oxygen out so I left the hole alone. I swished the holes shut around the roots and they already seem a little better. I also lower th lights I only hav fluorescents over them. I have hps. Should I put them under that ?? Thanks a million guys !!


Well-Known Member
Lower your CFL's to within an inch or so, as long as it's not too warm on your hand between leaf and bulb.
Get a fan on them to simulate wind and help build up the stem, and get a package of bamboo skewers for shish ka bob from the grocery store, a handful of twist ties from the veggie section (the ones to tie the bags) and support it.

Illegal Wonder

Well-Known Member
The HPS isn't ideal for what you currently have going, it will work but the CFL's are better... Like Bakatare said put your CFL's as close as you can before you can feel heat from the light when holding your hand directly above the plant. When I was using CFL I used 3" as a rule of thumb.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help guys. I read I wasn't suppose to squeeze the cubes cause it would take the oxygen out so I left the hole alone. I swished the holes shut around the roots and they already seem a little better. I also lower th lights I only hav fluorescents over them. I have hps. Should I put them under that ?? Thanks a million guys !!
Yeah, you don't want to crush the rockwool, but it is ok to pinch the top to close it @ the stem. i use a toothpick to push the sides of the hole in. the cfl should be fine till it gets a little bigger, but you would want to get it pretty close (like 2 in) if your trying to avoid stretch. hth