plants are barely growing during flowering

im not sure what i have been doing this time around, but im growing two plants and i put them into flowering at 7 and 10 inches figuring they would triple in size and produce a decent amount of buds i did this my last few grows and was succesfull with it. anyways this is what im working with:

-4 26 watt cfls.
-2 pc fans.
- miracle grow mositure control soil

i dont know what happened this time cause my last grow i got around 30 -40 grams off the plants and now ill be lucky if i get 10 when their still wet. the problem for me is that all my lower branches die and fall off during vegetative stage and then i end up with just the top nugs i would post a picture of them but its not letting me but theyre basicaally the smallest plants youve ever seen with only the top nug. idk why my plants arent growing bushy so thats the main question here so if anyone knows what im doing wrong please reply, thank you to any who responds.:joint:


Well-Known Member
depend on strain. how much of a stretch you will get.
add more light
whats your ph?
did you top?

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
Keep your lights closer, low stress train her by bending her over and tying her down, build a reflector for your cfls lighting, get a quility nute, and you will triple your last yeild. Even with 104 watts I cannot yell this any louder bend her over and tie her to her pot! You will have a very short plant with easily 10 even bud sights per plant keep your lights about 2-3 inches way depending on how well you reflect the light to where your plants need it don't let your valueble light run away. Please listen if your going to grow with cfls you need to low stress train!!!!!


Cheap test for soil

mix soil with vinegar.. if it fizzes it is alkaline

mix soil with water.. add some baking soda... if it fizzes then it is acidic. (NOTE: baking soda, not baking powder)

The vigouressness of the reaction is an indiction of how acidic or alkaline your soil is.. for a proper PH however.. you best buy a kit.