Planted to early?? ahh


Active Member
Hi i bought some seeds and i germinated them in a wet paper towel under a bowl. I germed them for about 2 days and they all had tiny white roots, i got excited and planted them in my peat pellets! Its been about 3 days and no sign of anything! So i made a big mistake. I carefully took the seeds out and put them back in the damp paper towel over a heating pad. I didnt damage any of the seeds and non of them had made any progress in the soil! Do you think the seeds are duds or do they just need to germ longer?
if it helps the strain is Resin seeds bubblicious.


Active Member
once you plant the seed into the peat pellets, i wouldn't dig them back out. but since you did, did you notice if the roots grew? was the soil moist before you planted them in?


Well-Known Member
you were fine planting your seedlings once the root stem became visible in the paper towel. I always found the next stage to be the toughest as it is very easy to overwater your 'babies' to speak. Removing it and putting it back in the paper towel was the wrong move


Active Member
you were fine planting your seedlings once the root stem became visible in the paper towel. I always found the next stage to be the toughest as it is very easy to overwater your 'babies' to speak. Removing it and putting it back in the paper towel was the wrong move
i know lol!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, bad mistake. Once they show a little white roots, plant them. I prefer rockwool, much easier to guage moisture. Peat pellets can get really soggy and stay soggy... Anywaqy, when you took them out, more than likely the root was damaged. Tiny white hairs grow out of the taproots, and when you take the seed out, you break the little white hairs. Replant them in moist cubes, but not soggy. Keep the temps at 75-80, and shine the light down. Add a teaspoon of so of water every so often or just use a sprayer a few times a day...


Well-Known Member
if u planted it and doug it back out u dont have to worry that much as long as there really wasnt any roots i have done this before couple times...b.c i had some seeds take like 2 weeks to pop up...u should be alright..let them sit for longer then 2 days sometimes it takes 2 weeks

old pothead

Well-Known Member
I would never use peat pellets for any grow.Did you soak the peat pellets in ph balanced water for 24hrs before you planted the seed.Peat has a very high ph,and with out soaking first you can harm your new plants.
I use Oasis Horticubes,they are ph nuetral and do not need to be soaked.OPH


Well-Known Member
this is your second thread about this dude. your just going to get the same answers. you probably stressed the plant out. either put them back in the pellet. or buy some soil and put them directly into the soil. water them until the soil drips a couple times. leave them in a dark area for a couple days. if they dont come up then you have to start over again.


Active Member
this is your second thread about this dude. your just going to get the same answers. you probably stressed the plant out. either put them back in the pellet. or buy some soil and put them directly into the soil. water them until the soil drips a couple times. leave them in a dark area for a couple days. if they dont come up then you have to start over again.
Calm down lol. I went out and bought this nice loose soil called STA green. i tested it and it has a nice low oh and it feeds for 9 months which doesn't mean i don't have to haha. And its only like 4 bucks a bag!


Well-Known Member
That is a timed released soil, the more you water, the more nutes are there... Be very careful not to singe your little plants...


Active Member
When you go to transfer the seed from paper towel to rockwool, you insert it tap root down.... my question is when it is inserted about a half inch deep, do you then cover it over, or leave it exposed? I have seeds that I'm ready to germinate but I want to be positive before I more forward in order to eliminate the mistake made above. I did test runs in a jiffy system and had mixed results with expandable coco they come with , it is hard to gauge the moisture level after you soak them... I will be using rockwool and super starter plugs from now on and I'm looking for any help in the germination in paper towel to transplant to the rockwool or starter plugs.... any help will be greatly appreciated... thanks