Plant Wilting in Dark cycle


Active Member
so my girl is in a DWC system and is doing great she's about 1 1/2 week into veg. under 2 6700K CFL's, I noticed that about 1-2 hours into my dark cycle it starts to wilt a little and springs back up when the light comes on. Is this normal? if not what can i do to fix it?
Hey GH, hope your plants are growing well, I just have a question or two which may shed some light on whats going on. When you subject the plant to dark hours, are you exposing ANY light to the plant, something even as subtle as opening the door and shining light to check on them. In addition, are you doing any foliar sprays / how many plants (if it is the only plant that does this or your whole garden is doing the same thing), and how is the oxygen bubbling in your system (and nutes listing please :P). How far away are the lights? Sorry for the questions, hope to hear back soon though and don't hesitate to ask questions!

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
plants droop when they're over-watered, under-watered, and around lights out. this is totally normal. they can also hermie if you are interrupting the dark cycle with light. i hear tell you can use a green light with no problems though. personally, you have all day to stare at them. when the light's out, leave them alone. also, you have more leeway in veg than you do in flower, interrupting the light cycle.


Well-Known Member
Totally normal, I was once concerned about the same thing, but I found out that it was just because they were sleeping or getting ready to go to sleep. Once the plant knows when "bedtime" is coming there leaves will start to droop down.


Active Member
There's just the one plant in my DWC system, I've got a "tetra whisper" air pump and a decent sized stone that delivers good oxygen to the roots which are doing fantastic. I'm using Flora grow,micro and bloom from GH at half strength with some H2O2 added to my res. Also, during my dark period I have been shining some outside light on the plant but only for a couple minutes to check up on it... Lights are 1-2 inches away and I spray it with water every now and then. Here's a pic from today



Well-Known Member
some strains just droop at night we have one strain that does. if it picks back up when the lights come on no worries.

ps they dark droop less in flower