Plant turning brown


This is my Northern Lights girl, she is in her about 8-9 week of flowering. She is indoors under a 400W HPS in 5 gallons of soil. Im not using at nuts, and i water about 2-3 when ever the soil drys out. I have been trolling through the forms for a while and i cant not for the life of me figure out whats wrong.

It start a week or so ago at the very outer leaves and has been moving inward.

Any helps would be great appreciated.

i dont think theres really anything u can do now except chop early and maybe still save the buds. it only looks like u have another week or so tops anyway


Well-Known Member
Its cos your not using nutes, see the way its moving from the bottom to the top? That a mobile element deficiency like Nitrogen or Phosphorous.


Well-Known Member
Its cos your not using nutes, see the way its moving from the bottom to the top? That a mobile element deficiency like Nitrogen or Phosphorous.

Agree. Just finish your flush. There is no real or feasible way to recover that plant, and the sooner you take it down, the better. Once those crusty burnt leaves actually recede back into the buds, your chance of mold increases drastically.....after all, the leaves are dead and dead plant material can quickly turn "south" into bud mold.

The buds look yummy though.....just a little colorful. And no nutes means most likely super sweet tasting ganja as well........:weed:


Ok well thats not to bad i guess. I was thinking it looked like a Phosphorous deficiency so that makes a lot of sense. Would you recommend chopping them ASAP as in like today, or should i try and wait it out for a few more days?

Thanks for the help mates, growing seems a lot easier until you are actually doing it.