plant troubles


Active Member

they have been watered with high ph level water around 7.2-6.9 i dont know if this is the problem, ther now being watered with lower like around 6.5-6.2 hopefully that will fix the problem. if anyone has seen this or knows what the problem is let me kno. this one has a 70% mix with miracle grow all organic soil and has a little bloodmeal nitrogen enriched nutes for now. If it needs more or a flushing let me know.and the white bumps on the stem?


Active Member
im going to aggree with ridinslab on the heat part! only because my ph lvl is around the same maybe as high as 7.5 (i no is bad havent gotten chance to get some ph down will soon) and my leaves arent as big as yours but mine are having no problem just keep good circulation of air running through grow space at all time and always have one directly blowing on the plant (not to hard) to promote stem strength and grow to support your "buddies" lol. anything over 85 is no go temp wise always try and shoot for something in the high 70s like a nrml room temp. peace! smoke one!


Active Member
im sorry bro didnt even recognize those thanks for pointing that out! this can be a one of a few things or a combo. we will do good news to bad news here. first thinks first it can be root nubs! good thing if this is the case your garuanteed a strong azz plant!, secondly it can be a defeciency in magnesium meaning just fix it lol and here comes the all mighty bad there is a possibility it is FUSARIUM WILT. It is a fungi carried by minerals and such found in soils =( - lets hope its not this!! ( fingers crossed for ya! ) ide def try coverin up with soil! well keep us updated im much interested as to what it is determined to be. well peace till next time and smoke one!


Well-Known Member
would i be correct in saying your relative humidity is greater than 60% ?

looks like moldy stem ... and if you're misting your plants ... STOP ... i dont see a deficiency ... i see burns from not having good circulation to dry your misting correctly


New Member
would i be correct in saying your relative humidity is greater than 60% ?

looks like moldy stem ... and if you're misting your plants ... STOP ... i dont see a deficiency ... i see burns from not having good circulation to dry your misting correctly

No, the burns are from the lights burning right through the water droplets. It's very basic, im surprised anyone is stupid enough to not take it into concideration.

PH could be an issue, temps seem to be an issue and MG anything is normally bad, so could be to do with ferts.

The stems fine, they all have little root [nubs] where roots can grow from... the stems turn woody.

I'd also say the humidity is too high as it looks like mould or some such on the main stem.

Dude, your grow is fucked. I'd really do some reading before bothering...


Well-Known Member
No, the burns are from the lights burning right through the water droplets. It's very basic, im surprised anyone is stupid enough to not take it into concideration.
im surprised you were stupid enough to not understand ... the burns are from the lights through the droplets ...

but that should never be a problem in any grow room if the circulation is adequate


jwop said:
i see burns from not having good circulation to dry your misting correctly


New Member
im surprised you were stupid enough to not understand ... the burns are from the lights through the droplets ...

but that should never be a problem in any grow room if the circulation is adequate


No, even with good circulation, during veg the humidity wouldnt allow it to evpapourate quick enough. Plants should only EVER be misted at the begining of the dark cycle in vegative to give them enough time to dry before lights on. They shuoldnt really be misted at all in flower.

I know what your saying but it's not quite right.


Well-Known Member
Plants should only EVER be misted at the begining of the dark cycle in vegative to give them enough time to dry before lights on.
that's just plain retarded ... you should stop posting this garbage

i guess since i veg 24/0 then i can NEVER EVER EVER mist my plants with ANY kind of foliar spray ... gtfo


New Member
Your an absolute idiot... but hey, go ahead, do it you bloody amature.

I do beleive you'll get the same answer i gave you from ANYONE who actually can grow....

Come on people... lets have some feedback...

If you use your brain, you'd know how stupid you sound mate.


Well-Known Member
Your an absolute idiot... but hey, go ahead, do it you bloody amature.

I do beleive you'll get the same answer i gave you from ANYONE who actually can grow....

Come on people... lets have some feedback...

If you use your brain, you'd know how stupid you sound mate.
I foliar spray all the time ... if you have good enough ventilation the drop will be gone in like 5-10 minutes everytime ...

I use a 400 watt HPS that is 10" away from my plants ... never seen one burn

I use high power 125 CFLs ... not the small spiral kind ... and i spray my mommas and veg plants all the time

just because you cant do it with out fucking your plants up doesnt mean i cant

take your insults elsewhere


New Member
I foliar spray all the time ... if you have good enough ventilation the drop will be gone in like 5-10 minutes everytime ...

I use a 400 watt HPS that is 10" away from my plants ... never seen one burn

I use high power 125 CFLs ... not the small spiral kind ... and i spray my mommas and veg plants all the time

just because you cant do it with out fucking your plants up doesnt mean i cant

take your insults elsewhere
Oh shut up you tart. Fair enough, if you can get away with it, go for it. I've also got mine 10inch away and got CFLs as sidelighting [well, they are envirolights]

My HID is more than 400 though.

It's just common sense tells me not to get water on the leaves when the lights are on, as it'll burn....

think about nature.... when does the dew form....

Nevermind though, it's appears alot of people do what you do...

I'm just old skool, i stick by certain rules and never go wrong... and with something like growing weed, doing it right every time aint easy... well, for most people, as there are so many variables.


Active Member
thanks for all the replies, i will be posting new pic soon the same burns appear on the bottum leaves,(up to the second node) im prety sure theres no rot of any kind the humidity is around 40 and the temp says constant at 75 to 78. ive been watering them with 6.3ph level and i try not and get it on the leaves if the problem is from the light going throught the water droplets. shes growing fast but still has a little red stem and the leaves have big grooves, i added a light organic nitrogen and phosphorus blood and bone meal incase of a difficiency with that. thanks 420 24/7