Plant Tissue Culture


Well-Known Member
doesnt seem like it can be done......... seems the general theory is that sure you can get roots and a sprout, but it only grows one top so its 3 inches tall at most. Oops. Unless anyone has evidence and knowledge of how it can work and how to do it..........


Well-Known Member
can any one keep this thread alive
Sure, if there's new information. So far it seems plant tissue culture wont advance because plants dont make more than one top if you get it to propagate. If they dont make new nodes, you end up with a quarter gram of weed, which is kinda silly.......

This is just what we think we know, but nobody has told us otherwise so if we're out of the loop hook us up with the right info :)


Well-Known Member
i got really excited about this when i started reading. guess i beter go back to figureing out a time flux capasitior


Well-Known Member
But if you wanted your genetics and you forgot to take a cutting, you can culture an almost finished plant and then pollinate the little tiny bud it grows? hehehe.. But even funnier would be, then a bunch of one top plants will come out??!!! <roflmao>

Yes We Canna!

Well-Known Member
I bet what happened is they all blew up with their major success and are now providing clones across the planet :D

Or at least that's what I'll be doing, once I figure this shit out. If I can get 100's of thousands of clones in the space I do a couple hundred, along with preserving 100's of genetics and crossbreeding every one of them...ssshhheeeeeiiiiiittttttt.

Or how about pollinating already budding female cultures with feminized pollen? We'll be feminizing seeds on a whole new level.

You'll be glad I found this thread. I'll at least post a link to my website laying out all of my findings.


Do the plants have to be freshly cut? Wondering if I can just take a piece from a fresh bud received at a dispensary and grow it from that. Because if so, maybe it'll be easier to snatch up strains from people who aren't willing to give up the clones of the rare strains?


Well-Known Member

Branching plant in tissue culture. Each jar yields 5 to 8 new clones per month. From Super Starts kit purchased online. Our best results were on TDZ formula. May have to ask specifically. Included in our kit.


I got the kit due to this thread, sort of unclear how to do this but i will give it a try,

so leaf and node each can be cultured?


Active Member
about 50% success rate on first try at tissue culture.
some photos attached.
50% failure sounds bad but you can get 3x-4x the number of potential "cuttings" compared to 1 normal clone.

keeping in mind that even with cuttings - there is a failure rate.

T.C has potential... but still working on it.

It is worth it if I get this 1 blueberry, Jack Herer and EWG to take hold - these are heirloom cutting and the best of 20x different finished females.



Active Member
"Do the plants have to be freshly cut? Wondering if I can just take a piece from a fresh bud received at a dispensary and grow it from that. Because if so, maybe it'll be easier to snatch up strains from people who aren't willing to give up the clones of the rare strains? "

Tissue culture propagating material must be taken from living plants.


Well-Known Member
The technique does work. I have been working with this for about 9 months now. I have recently gotten as many as 5 shoots but average about 3. I will post pictures when I figure out how.


Well-Known Member
I am not an expert but I have had some sauces with this process. I use only a glove box, and my contamination rate is about 25 percent with a fresh cutting and about 10 or less with transplants. Seems that the PPM in high enough doses protects me - and of course I seem to have perfected a decent sterilization protocol for the plant.

I find that a few quick rinses with 91 percent alcohol first, gets some of the sticky off of the ex plant and lets the bleach and detergent work better. Also I use a cheap ultrasonic cleaner. Of course the fact that the plants are grown indoors in a very clean room can't hurt - I have yet to use my "perfected" sterilization on a plant from outdoors and when I do it will probably suck.

Just some thoughts:

I found development of calus a waste of time. You can get shoots pretty quick and they say that callus is more prone to deviation from the genetics you are trying to preserve.

When I started taking bigger cuttings than the books and the kit says, I started having more success. The bigger cuttings are more resistant to cleaning, can be cut more and they yield more shoots. After they get established you can use the smaller shoots.

There really is kind of an art to setting the ex plants into the gel, as you continue you find out what works better.

I put only one plant in the jar when I am establishing but I put 3 transplants in each jar after that. I usually get at least 3 shoots per, so that is 9 per jar about every 3 to 4 weeks. You can very quickly get a whole whole lot of plants as 3 turns to 9 and 9 to 27, 27 to 81...

I am curious about those who report getting leaf cuttings alone to work - I can't make that happen at all.

I'm working on in-vitro seedlings, so far they pop but they don't grow. I am also just starting an attempt to sex the ex plant in-vitro, see if I can produce teeny tiny flowers on an uprooted shoot.

I find I like Agar better than Gelrite. I like the clarity of the Gelrite but it the plants don't seem to do as well in it. I was forced to use it this last time but I doubt I will again. I did find that 2.5 gm per liter or even a bit more is better - it supports the larger cuttings.

My biggest problem is vitrification and hyperhydrosis (I think that is what it is called). Vitrification is the formation of a crystalline crust around the plant - it does not come off until you ruin the shoot so you have to cut above it and transplant. Hyperhydrosis is where the plant turns into a fat, light green fragile mess with big leaves and no shoots to speak of. You can't operate on it and with rare exceptions it just quits.

The short of it is, if you persist, and you get the right formula it definitely works. The PlantTC guy's formula works but not as well as the TDZ

I found this forum and thread one day after I did a massive transplant, I was getting more vitrification than I wanted so I had to - Sorry I didn't get but two pictures of before the transplant - you can see the vitrification but also, look close and you will see 4 shoots.


Well-Known Member
So.... Anyone try this out with cannabis?... with any success? If so, please share your experience.

A friend of mine has a guy that does it and sells different stains to medical patients for 12 bucks a piece. I haven't bought any cause I have an ezcloner & mothers. So, yes it is done successfully.


Well-Known Member
The think about mother plants is, unless you are outside, the things cost money to maitain. I had two main goals in trying to do this. The first was to eliminate my grove of mother plants that I saved just in case I wanted that strain again. The other was to collect more strains. How much do you figure your mother plants cost a month?


Well-Known Member
Till someone shows me a grow started from plant tissue followed through in harvest, I declare everyone to be full of shit. Photos and proof =) These PTC threads are a dime a dozen on every pot site, and nobody has a successful grow to show from it. Nobody with real pictures showing a plant started in tissue and follow through to an actual harvest. All we ever see is a tiny picture and then the plants die and the poster never comes back.