plant suffering from N and K deficency


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone my plant is suffering from a N and K deficeny. No P deficency and how I know this is because I bought a soil test kit because i was wondering why my plants leaves were getting brown on leaf claws and brownish orngish rust spots and my leaves are also not very dark at the same time. I tested with my ph soil test and my N=5.7 my P was good staying at 7.0 and my K=5.7 meaning that the N and K are deficent. What should i do? should I buy a Fert that is higher with N and K and less P so it will balance everything out? what does everyone think? I am not going to use this for the rest of flowering I am just going to use it till everything balances out. but I was thinking one of these ferts 10-3-6 or 24-8-16 which one is better?