plant never seems to need watering


I have not had to water my plant in over a week now for some reason. The container just doesent seem to lose its weight.

Im using FF soil and perlite. The top few lairs of soil seem dry but the bucket still has alot of added water weight.

What should i do?


Well-Known Member
Is there good airflow? Airflow will help the plant use water faster through evaporation and perspiration.

Don't water it if it doesn't need it.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
i have noticed mine doing the same for the last week or so. for me its due to the cooler temps we started to get and the lower humidity finally the last couple days is drying out the top layer but still moist in the middle.

if you lift the pot and it is still heavy like its wet, then dont water until it needs it. i am using a growing mix for my medium.


Well-Known Member
did you plant it in too big of a pot..... unused soil is unused water= unhappy plants

roots grow out wnd down. if you pt em in a huge pot they will do just that grow out and down leaving a bunch of unused soil in the middle. they won't dry out fast enough and will not grow as vigerously because of it. of course eventually they will but it is best to work on your roots. start small in a 3" than up to a 6 inch pot after a couple weeks move up to a 8 inch and then a 12" this allows your roots to more compleatly fill the container resulting in a healthy fast growing happy plant with a nice pot full of roots rather than wasted soggy soil....


Well-Known Member
I was doing a little stoner editing might check my post again. going right to a big pot will work but is not best your plant will be fine just wait for it to dry out.