Plant leaves have brown spots, leaves are curling


The leaves have developed brown spots all over them. Not every leaf has them but they have spread to about half of them. I do not believe it is insects as I have been treating it with neem oil and i have not seen any insects. However beyond that I have not been able to pin down what is wrong. I am currently running 4 55W CFLs all 2700k. I am using MG soil(dumb i know but its too late) and have started it on a regiment of bmo nutes.


Well-Known Member
Its like fckin heat stress u can check and search
I think in a day ( when your lights are on) the temp gonna high
u should put some fans for blowing air or higher your light
Right now i have did some fcking mistake about that


Well-Known Member
Looks like a calcium mag deficency. dilute 1tsp of epsom salt per gallon of water for your next few waterings.


Active Member
Ya agreed....looks like cal/mg deficiency to me. Treat with the epsom salt and I bet you see some sort of improvement.

Good luck!



Would it be ok to use magnesium supplements meant for human consumption? I was going to just grind up the pill and disolve it in water.