Plant is growing well but....


New Member
Hmm, tell more about the light you use. What is the temperature inside ? How often do you put water ?


Active Member

250w HPS 24/24hr

Temps are on the low side 66 to 72 degrees

I was using GH FloraNova Grow but I ran out of it and switched to GH MaxiGro ( because I already had it) but this problem started before the switch.

Ph at 5.8

I change the water weekly

This last picture is the only dieing from the tip inward. The rest seen to start in the middle of the leaf.

This seems to only effect the fan leaves.



Active Member
Could it be a phosphorus deficiency? Red stems and dry brittle brown/yellow patches? That's my 2 cents but I cant quite tell, thought i'd throw it out there.


Active Member
Go check out a hydro ph nutrient uptake chart. 5.8 you could be running cal/mag def I don't think this is nute burn