Plant has been flowering for about 5-7 weeks. Leaves are looking bad.


The grow medium is baccto premium potting soil. It is a middle grade plant. It is my first in any type of soil. Usually I use hydro. This time I couldn't since my hydro had stuff already and I wanted to try the mids.

The plant is about 5-7 weeks in flowering. At first it grew amazing. Over time it seems to have stopped all growing. It hasnt gotten much bigger in the past 2 weeks. Its also started to have the leaves die at the bottom and fall off.

At first I thought it was too much fertilizer so I stopped that about 2 weeks ago. Still didnt help. Then I flushed it last week. It seemed to help for a few days then it went back to the way it was. The buds have not grown much in the past 2 weeks.

The light cycle is on 12/12 and its dark inside. I made sure of that. There is mylar surround the grow room. For watering I wait till the soil is about an inch and half to about 2in dry before I water.

I do know the root system was pretty bad a few months ago. At this stage of life I dont think there is much I can do about that.

I'm kind of just hoping for thoughts of what is going on and ways to remedy it. If you need more info just ask. I can also get better pics if you need them.



That's strange. The other plants in the same room which are in the hydro setup are growing fine. Any idea on why its doing that and possibly how to fix it? Could it just be bad genetics. It's not what I'm used to growing with.


Active Member
It is a somewhat hideous plant.

I'd toss her and start again. The time you spend in nursing that one back for a mediocre yield could be used to grow a quality strain.


It is a somewhat hideous plant.

I'd toss her and start again. The time you spend in nursing that one back for a mediocre yield could be used to grow a quality strain.

I'm not worried about the time spending to nurse her back. The other grows I have are of high quality. This was my first with low quality and with soil. It was more of an experiment. I think tomorrow during the dark hours I will go in and see if there is a light leaking in. I haven't checked that since the start of this plants life. So maybe something happened.


Active Member
No offense dude but these plants hurt my heart. it looks so sad, if I had these pics around my plants they would droop in sadness. Sorry. Anyways shes done man, call it a day on this grow and focus on the others.


Active Member
No offense dude but these plants hurt my heart. it looks so sad, if I had these pics around my plants they would droop in sadness. Sorry. Anyways shes done man, call it a day on this grow and focus on the others.
what I mean my shes done, is dont waste your time on this one. 12/12 and shes revegging? WTF plant does that. kill it, its a mutant, and mutants are not exceptable. have you seen x-men? They cause damage. J/K. shes not worth your time at this point man.


Active Member
LOL someone gave me reps on those comments. WTF is wrong with you people!? I was just trying to make light of a bad situation. J/K everyone. its all good. We have all had our bad plants when trying new stuff. You'll get her next time tiger!!


WTF plant does that. kill it, its a mutant, and mutants are not exceptable. have you seen x-men? They cause damage.
This made me laugh.

I had others that I started with it. They all were males or hermies. This was the only female out the set. I have a clone to this one (in a separate location) so maybe I'll just get her going and see if I can remedy the problem.

I was just hoping it was something that I would be able to fix.

Thank you all for all your help. :)


Active Member
yeah man just dont want to see you waste your time.
anyways good luck man and the thanks is not needed, we are all here to help each other out.


Well-Known Member
What lights are you using....4 candles and a torch?! Sorry man, looks like lighting to me. Not enough lumens where needed I reckon.


Well-Known Member
what's your ph? the plants roots aren't taking up the nutes properly. your ph should be around 6-6.7 for soil


Well-Known Member
nothing wrong with using metal halide. The buds don't get as dense as a hps would. If you guys don't know you shouldn't leave any advice.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i am very surprised to hear that the plant is supposedly under a 400w hid. in the shot of the pot it looks like the foliage doesn't start until 6 inches up the stem, and the stem is skinny as hell. after looking at the pics i swear i said to myself, "wtf kind of cfls are those?". i do hope the op meant metal halide and not halogen.

if that plant is under a 400w hid and looks like that, i would trash it. and as someone already mentioned, it looks like it's revegging, and the time it would take to get it back on track would be better spent on a new plant.


Well-Known Member
This is what happens when you grow a sativa under a cfl with high temps. All stem and no bud.