Plant growing twisted curling etc etc


Well-Known Member
I've been misting with insect repellent weekly. And 3 weeks ago I planted it.stalkes doubled in size bugger all leaf growth tho


Well-Known Member
what are your daily temps? from a search i feel it's trying to transpire (sweat) due to high heat. it looks too small to handle massive heat.and spraying it makes it a magnifying lens on it all day long.


Well-Known Member
i bet that's most of the problem..too much's the humidity? better air circulation.i see low wooded growth around it that stops air circ. what bugs me the most is that shinny film on it from the repellent.probably having a bad reaction from that rinse it off.


Well-Known Member
Its planted in thick blackberry for security andbecause they get sun all day in there. I never thought about air circulation. its my only plant with this problem and the rest are in the same sorta place. Yeah I had just misted with insect repel and took this photo straight after. I don't t understand how it could be mites when I've been taking precautions to avoid them so regularly but you could be right.


Well-Known Member
Here's some updated photos a week after first one. Old leafs are curly and crispy new growth is okay. This plant will be going into flower in a couple weeks time. If it's a female I think I'll be lucky for half a oz right? Haha lucky its my only one doing this.



Well-Known Member
That happened to my tomatoes in my garden when I went nuts with foliar feeding. What kind of insect repellant? I'm guessing that is the cause, but we need to know whats in it.


Well-Known Member
Its called Yates Target. You may not have heard of the brand coz I dunno where else in the world it gets sold. Ive been using iton all my other plants and none have the same problem?