Plant emergency help!!!!!


Active Member
So i went out of town for 2 days and when i came back, a peice of foil had fallen on one of my plants and now its in realllllllly bad shape and i dont know what to do. The leaves are mostly curled up and dry around the edges and all the branches are sagging a lot!!! Here are some pics, PLEASE HELP ASAP!! i already flushed the h20 and added new nutes.


Well-Known Member
I dont have much advise but I would suggest paying attention to the new growth.... it looks like some of the leafes are dead... i would think that the plant might take a few days or a week to bounce back... i dont see any reason why it should die... just give it some care and it probably will stay alive


Active Member
yes it seems that some leaves are dead. It has only been one day so i am going to wait for a few more days. do i cut off the dead leaves or what? any steps i should take to make sure theyll survive?


Well-Known Member
the dead leaves shouldn't be any problem... personally speaking i would cut the dead leafs off... expertly speaking i would suggest not cutting them off unless the leaf is over 50% dead ...


Active Member
Since i Have two plants sharing two plants sharing one bucket filled with hydrotron, one plant is ready to be put into bloom while the other one is the plant that i had to snip all the leaves off of. What do i do??


Well-Known Member
do you have some updated pictures? do you have a backup light? Can you put them in two seperate grow rooms? if not then i would leave them like they are and wait a week or two untill the other one recovers and then put them into flower.... get some pic for me to see