Plant deformation/growth problem, please help!


I transplanted this into the ground about 12 days ago. It is suppose to be an outdoor safe strain according to attitude seed bank. It was started indoors under CFL and was growing fine, but then I moved it to my greenhouse for a few days and then out to full sun. Is it possible I moved it out too fast and that is what is causing this? I have gone through every guide I can find on marijuana plant problems and can not find anything that matches this close enough for a match.



Active Member
looks like your in the early stages of Nitrogen deficiency....feed it some nitrogen and i would also foliar spray some "CAL-MAG".
if your not comfortable foliar spraying then you can water it in as well.


Well-Known Member
I am going through the same thing, closest thing I got was zinc and molybendum deficiency, take a look at Broad Mites.


Well-Known Member
follow this thread if you want (What is this? Leaf growth is not well.)in plant problems. I just started it.