Plant curled up

I am new to this my seedlings are about 2weeks old and one of them kind of turned brown and curlded up dry out and dyed. I gave them water every day ( could that be the problem ). And I put some 10-2-4 fert in before I planted in soil(could that be the problem)? I have my plant in my closet 2x2 with 2 low energy lights you get from walmart 3-4 in away from plants it would be awesome If someone gets back to me. Peace


Well-Known Member
Seedlings need water like evry 3 days or so. They def. Need no nutrients or fert.'s at all until they develop at least 2 sets of leaves.


Well-Known Member
Never add anything to the grow medium b4 the seedlings appear.the plants are prob burt from the nutrients that you put in the soil flush it out with water set at 5.5.then carry on feeding with some water and plant start or go to you local gaden cenre and get some seedling is also a good idea if you can get it to mix some sea weed exstact with water and spray on the top of the propagator lid ,this may sound odd but the feed will still be got at by the plants.but i only ever feed seedlings up to 3 week old when they have a good few set of true leaves,multithrive for the 1st week till the leaves appear then plant start.but only give the seedlings feed when true leaves appear.
Thanks for the advice dudes I had 4 plants but 2 died on me but the other two are doing ok I guess one is about 1 1/2 foot and the other is 1 foot tall but it's thicker than the other there about 2months old I had them on a 18/6 hr lighting but just recently switched to 12/12 hr is this too soon? The tall one looks like it's starting to flower but I can't tell if it's a female what should I do if it's a male is there any way too change it to female ? I will be pretty pissed off if it's a male is there any method to prevent male from forming? It will be cool to get a response !
P.s I figure out how to post my pics help?


Active Member
Never add anything to the grow medium b4 the seedlings appear.the plants are prob burt from the nutrients that you put in the soil flush it out with water set at 5.5.then carry on feeding with some water and plant start or go to you local gaden cenre and get some seedling is also a good idea if you can get it to mix some sea weed exstact with water and spray on the top of the propagator lid ,this may sound odd but the feed will still be got at by the plants.but i only ever feed seedlings up to 3 week old when they have a good few set of true leaves,multithrive for the 1st week till the leaves appear then plant start.but only give the seedlings feed when true leaves appear.
"hahaha again with the flushing... Im gonna point out all your posts. Thats all you ever say... Flush flush flush."

Might be right this time...


You might be over watering your plants. They don't drink so much when they're small, they just need to stay damp/moist, not soaking. If you water them too much in soil you'll get scraggly plants, too. If there's any kind of white buildup, it's from salts and nutrients and should be flushed with a salt removing chemical. You can get them from hydro stores fairly easily.

They could also be dying off if the lights aren't giving off the right kind of light. Investing in a good grow light is a good idea.
What's going on fellow stoners. I was just wondering if switching the light cycle to 18 of darkness and only 6 hrs of light at the end when buds are coming in to produce more buds, since they grow when darkness. Will it make more buds or just leave it on 12/12 ???? Holler back yo:weed: