plant buding slowwww help


Active Member
ive grown be forr im just wandein how long dus it take to bud i dont ever rember it takeing this long???


Well-Known Member
Come on, man... What sort of response are you expecting with a sentence like that?

Every strain is different, thus there is no straight answer to that question. Roughly 8 weeks. Perhaps if you included more info about your grow, people here could assess why your plant isn't flowering.

How long is 'this long'?? What strain are you growing? How long have you been flowering? What lighting are you using? Nutes? Temps? Humidity? Light leaks? .....


Active Member
lol sorry it is buding its a wite wido plant ther are some light lekes but that relly makes that big of a diffrens to how fast it going to yeald?


Active Member
lol sorry it is buding its a wite wido plant ther are some light lekes but that relly makes that big of a diffrens to how fast it going to yeald?
If you have light leaks then the plant wont flower properly. Come on fella you must of done a little research ?