Place To Post Your Funny Stories :Joint:


my favorite story was when this cop caought me and my friends after school i was smokin a blunt he was buyin some weed off me so i just let out this big hit and dont u no a cop pulls up he didnt see the blunt though but he obvyasly new it was weed oh yeah i new the cop we hated each other and i new he was a homophobe so so when he started to frisck mehe felt the tin i had straped to my inner thy it was long and well u no wat he thought i look up close my eiys and yell YEAH grab it again he stops and says wat is that i look him straight in the eiys keepin a straght face and say ..."thats the rock hard wood i get wen sexy pigs search me" he drive away and he hasnt talked to me since ...haha got away with anounce in the tin a 1/2 blunt in pocket and my buddy had the ieth i just sold him:fire: :hump: ... not gay i promise hate the pigs love the pussy


When I was in highschool, my friends and I always went to every football game stoned. We'd smoke before we went, and we'd smoke in the baseball field dugout after we where there. There were cops at every game to break up fights and what not, but they never ventured near the baseball field, until the last game.

Me and my 3 buddies were smokin when some younger kids that we knew ran up and said "you guys gotta get out of here, the pigs are walking over. They ran from the other side of the field." For some reason, we completely freaked. (Probably because we were used to smoking regs and this was some kill the likes have which we'd never seen) We all just assumed that if we tried to walk away calmly, the cops would know we where in there smokin and try to arrest us immediately.

1 of my 3 friends jumps out of the side of the dugout and just lays there hiding, the 2nd friend jumped out and for some reason crawled up on the roof (dont know why he didnt think he'd be seen) the 3rd one just sat there frozen and all scared looking, and I begin to frantically eat the half oz and quarter my friends and i had just purchased hours before.

I got the quarter down and about 2/3 of the half oz when I started to hear them getting closer, so I quick swallowed the 2 buds in my mouth and almost choked, shoved the rest of the stash in my sock, and just waitied.
They walked up and said, "are you the two kids that were fighting, I can see one of you has a black eye (My friend got the black eye whenever we were all throwing a ball against a wall stoned as hell and it came back real fast and hit him in the eye. Funny shit) We said no we just came over here to make a phone call because it was too loud by the football field, the cop on the left said it smells like some pot over here how do I know you werent sparkin a j out here (he actually said that. i wanted to bust out laughing because he was a nerdy lookin white dude)

We assured the cops we weren't smokin and they brought the principal over to identify us, luckily my buddy was on the honor roll and some after school academic thing that the principal was the leader of and he said he didn't think we would be smoking pot, especially on school grounds, and the cops actually fucking listened to him. We were let free. :shock:

So in short, one of my friends got bit quite a few times by spiders that were down by the ground where he landed and hid, my other friend got a sprained rist from carelessly rolling off of the roof when the cops were gone, and I ate a shitload of killer weed. For nothing.

I have never enjoyed a bongload more than I did after that football game, some of the craziest shit thats ever happened to me.