Pk 13/14 question


Well-Known Member
if you got all the biggest healthiest plants under one light and all the stragglers under another you could raise the light to give them a bit of a break, that light is so intense and they aren't quite ready for it. lower it again when they get healthy.

the coco looks very dry but it could just be the top layer with evaporation. are the temperatures at canopy level ok? if you raised the light a bit and give a slightly stronger feed i'm sure the problem would go away. as with most things time will heal all wounds lol


Well-Known Member
Az2000 how much dry bud would u say you typically get from a 600watt bulb I know there's a few variables like vedge time, wether it's summer or winter (heat) and so on but on average? I realise between 10 and 12 ounce roughly 3 weeks vedge I know it's not amazing but it's the truth which more then get from some peeps on here "8 pounds from my pc case grow" think I'm maybe missin some fundemtals from being caught up in a lot of hype bs


Well-Known Member
Thxs Ghb good idea think ur bang on with the lights I turned both lights on before they were rdy and dryed out some leaves now I'm worried Iv over nuted them so Iv giv all just water and took my ppm down to 400 for next feed


Well-Known Member
Az2000 how much dry bud would u say you typically get from a 600watt bulb
I've never used HID. Using t5ho I used to get 0.8-0.9 g per watt. Under LED I'm doing 1-1.2.

But, the space is also a factor. if you got 1g/w from 600w for a 10x10 area that wouldn't be as good as from a 4x4 area. I've been doing about 35-45g per sq. ft. For example, the less-electrical efficient t5ho produced 45g/sq ft. The more efficient 1g/w LED grow was only 21.25g / sq ft. (because the wattage was only 21w/ sq. ft. After I added light, taking it to 30w/sq. ft., getting 1.26 g/w and 38.75g/sq ft.

Depends on strain too, whether you harvest early for a head high, late for a body stone, etc. I think I have a better producing strain and I harvest late.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you use HID lights are led lights worth the money?
I'm in a hot climate. The greater efficiency of the more expensive (higher quality) LEDs is worth it to me, at least during the summer. I've thought about buying a CMH (HID) to use in the winter.

I'm not an evangelist. Whichever way anyone calculates the cost/benefit ratio, it seems we're turning a corner right now with COB LED where cost/benefit is turning sharply toward LED. It's just starting to be commercialized.


Well-Known Member
What's the name of your light ?
I have an Area 51 RW-150 and XGS-190 (and RW-75). Also a couple less expensive Chinese imports which, if you're concerned about heat I wouldn't recommend. Also wouldn't recommend if comparing to HID. A51 might be up there with HID, but as I said, wherever high-quality LED (like A51) stands, things are turning a corner soon in the LED world.


Well-Known Member
I agree it's the future have no idea why induction lights aren't moving in the same direction they cost far too much for wot they are and based on reviews Iv read (12 months ago maybe they've improved) they don't do what there supposed to il jump on the led waggon when the technology improves and the cost comes down wich it certainly will


Well-Known Member
by the way that chart i just made up off the top of my head is not what i use, it was just a recommendation based on the stuff you already have (i dont know what that vitamax is).

i also add Bloombastic (0/20/21) a very powerful bloom stimulant/ ripener this is why i lower my a+b towards the end as the e.c can get too high.
I got the bloom bastic stuff u recommend would you add that alone or alongside the pk13/14



Well-Known Member
that's gangster!.

just throw the pk away mate, it's nowhere near as good as bloombastic haha.

only joking, use the pk as an introduction to boosters then move on to the heavy stuff. check the end of the video for what these plants have been fed.

this latest grow i ran out of pk so used bloombastic for a week instead, they smell a lot stronger for it, oily as fuck too.