Pistils turned red early. Is this ok?


My pistils turned red really early. They are mostly only red on the tip half.And she continues to throw new pistils too, as well as my trichs are just barely started to cloud and none of them are amber yet. Anyone know why they turned and is that ok/normal;F285E798-F003-416D-94F5-8867BCA8DFB2.jpegEB9E7117-7556-41F2-9017-5A8214BCCBB1.jpeg


I’ve been using the success nutrients line the entire grow, following the acclimated feed chart exactly. So yes
Also it’s just one plant and I had a tag with the strain name and the wind blew it away on like day 3 so i don’t remember what she Is. lol


Here’s some photos of the whole plant. I’m hoping she swells significantly in the last few weeks before flush. Do you think she will? And what can I do aside from my normal nute regimen to help this? Also I defoliated at week 3 as suggested by many sources and she has bushed up with leaves again prettty substantially. And maybe because i examine her closely every day but I feel like I expected the buds to fatten up so much more by now. Don’t get me wrong she’s plumping just not like “wow”.

