Pissing on your plant?


Active Member
I heard pissing on your plant is good for the plant because our urine has vitamins in it and it'll help the plant grow...so is that true? Becuase i gotta piss right now...:hump:


Well-Known Member
its a good source of nitrogen but it is very concentrated, you would have to dilute it alot, im not sure how much or if its a good idea because urine is all of the toxins in your body... so idk, read more up on using urin in plants in general then move to marijuana.


Well-Known Member
but hey dont pee on your plant just get some good nutes and thatll take care of it, you dont want to smoke something built out of your piss man....


Active Member
Oh alrite got it.....is tht all i need 2 buy for my plant cuz i jus been givin it water and its about 2 n ahlf weeks old


Well-Known Member
.....Where are people getting this info, why would anyone thing pissing on their plant will help.

Do you really wanna smell piss every time you go in your grow room?



Well-Known Member
yea miracle grow would be fine for now but i dont make a habit of using it. just make sure you get the right stuff. check general hydroponics or something like that or better yet ebay. you could get theyre flora Gro series and that would work great!


Well-Known Member
Its just an idea i guess...for an easier, cheaper way..haha idk

It is true that urine can have high N content. But it would need to be diluted. And not all piss is the same content, it depends on your diet, what you have eaten and drank in the last 24 hours. And how many times you have urinated in the last 24 hours.

Along with the N there are all the toxins your body doesnt want, and your plants won't either.

Man you can get a 1L of 1 part Grow nutrients for under $10, even MG nutes would be better then piss, just dont ever use MG full strength at first.



Well-Known Member
its a comon myth now resurfaced because it happened in weeds... but it does make sence, there is nitrogen in urin.... but more bad things than good...


Well-Known Member
I heard pissing on your plant is good for the plant because our urine has vitamins in it and it'll help the plant grow...so is that true? Becuase i gotta piss right now...:hump:
Go ahead and fill a bowl of cereal and piss in it instead of using milk. Piss is supposed to have vitamins in it that will help you grow.
