Pipes Vs Bongs!!


Well-Known Member
I've got a pretty nice glass pipe. It works well for me. Take a couple hits and I'm just as high as I want to be. Don't really ever smoke out of anything else.
Interesting... So most people like to use glass whether its a pipe or bong! I just tried some Old Time Moonshine Hash in a new glass pipe and it got me BAKED! Good advice Cannabineer! Still like my bong more.. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
plastic sucks, cant even clean it with alcohol and i found that out 2 or 3 times the hard way. my pipes were almost exploding while cleaning them. glass all the way.
plastic sucks, cant even clean it with alcohol and i found that out 2 or 3 times the hard way. my pipes were almost exploding while cleaning them. glass all the way.
Agreed. The only plastic bong I ever liked was a 4 foot one I bought when I was 17. I couldn't afford a 4 foot glass one so I thought that bong was the shit. But yeah, plastic sucks donkey d in comparison to glass.


Well-Known Member

I burn less weed and get just as high.

I used to be a bong guy...yet I can't seem to pinpoint exactly when I changed to a pipe guy.

edit: and I see that I already responded to this thread, lol.


Well-Known Member
smoke a gram of medical grade marijuana in a dry bong and tell me you aren't loaded off your ass.......The first thing you will try to find is water.....and more water lol.......and then it is straight to the snacks.


Well-Known Member
Just how high are balls?? Iguess it would depend on the lenght of your legs. :bigjoint:
When I get kicked in the balls they go in my throat.....that is pretty damn high.....unless your a midget.....then they are at the level they should have been in the first place