Pimple Like Growths Around Stem Of Tomato Plants


Well-Known Member
i have pimple like growths around base/stem of tomato plants and i dont know what its from or if its normal for tomatoes. its the worst on my grape tomatoes but all of them have a few pimple like bumps

any tomato farmers wanna offer their input?


Well-Known Member
all of my tomatoes have them, they are just little areas trying to grow roots i believe. When i trained my last plants i had little half inch roots alongs ever stem where it was bent below the 90degree mark. They can grow roots out of any part of the stem

Fallen Buckshot

yah ive noticed some of my sativas have them also most near the bottom of the stem


Well-Known Member
Yup got those same here, from the bottom stem area, where they get alot of shade, has shot a few roots out of those. They die off quite quickly but they throw roots


Well-Known Member
ok thanks! i was worried it was some fungus, good to know its natural, and even sativas get it


Well-Known Member
I wanna see some pics of your tomatoes!!!

Eww, guess what. I found a freaking huge tomato
worm on my big beefsteak tomato plant while I was

spraying the garden. I sprayed that fucker till he fell
off the stem. :fire: (neem oil, soap, garlic mixture)

He started squirming and throwing his head back and forth,
then I poked him with a stick and he fell off. hehe.

Sounds evil, but I hate bugs anyway.


Well-Known Member
ive been having hella problems with transplant shock, spiders and water rot with my tomatoes. plus there all getting so big they dont stand on their own


Well-Known Member
It is just the stem trying to grow more roots. If it is not to late just pile dirt up around them bumps can't hurt. LOL


Well-Known Member
bambo canes !!! awesome for holding up large tomato plants. if cash is short i also use old tree branches sunk into soil

heres a snap of my toms that have been tied back too a cane treliss.



Well-Known Member
Uh oh! You're tomato plant is becoming a MAN! Give him some oxy-clear and tell him to wait about 5 years. He'll grow out of it.

Might want to leave some extra hand towels in his room though.


Well-Known Member
ive been having hella problems with transplant shock, spiders and water rot with my tomatoes. plus there all getting so big they dont stand on their own
lol. My biggest plant fell over on the tomato plant next to it.

haha. At least I didn't have to tie it up again.

They need something to support all that weight.

Damn birds are picking in my tomatoes again...
even WITH a scarecrow. I relocated him to right in front

of the tomatoes though. Hopefully that will help.


Well-Known Member
Damn birds are picking in my tomatoes again...
even WITH a scarecrow. I relocated him to right in front

of the tomatoes though. Hopefully that will help.
if crowman dont work try some old compac discs hung from string they tend too work.

going too extremes, a fake bird of prey at a realy high point on house/tree will keep most birdlife away, they wont come anywhere near if they see a hunter or what looks like a hunter.


Well-Known Member
if crowman dont work try some old compac discs hung from string they tend too work.
Grade A advice. In the UK you can get AOL trial CD's from ASDA. You're allowed to take as many as you like, we use them to keep birds away from strawberries.

The light reflects off the CD's as they blow in the wind and it stuns the birds.

(or something)