Pigs found my plants, Help


Active Member
jesus. i dont know what to say here... um yes they can lift prints from styrafoam. they can lift prints off of almost anything. wether they would go thruogh all that effort or not im not so sure... it would be a lot of work for them to find out the owner of a few plants. if you confess you probably wouldnt get in tooo much shit. if you deny thers a chance you could get away but if not your royaly fucked.... lets hear some other opinions


Well-Known Member
depending on where you live depends on your outcome. community standards will dictate how much money the police are authorized to spend to prosecute.
things in your favor: small quantity of plants so intent to traffic is almost certain not be charged and therefore not pursued.


Active Member
oh dude, thats sucks mad dick, what state are you in? thats vital. If your In like Ny , then bail go to mexico unless your ready to do 3-5 they can prove a bunch of shit but if your somewhere like california then just take the fine or the 1 month or whatever

that sucks though bro

(Oh and btw even though you said you knew it was monumentally stupid of you )

depending on where you live depends on your outcome. community standards will dictate how much money the police are authorized to spend to prosecute.
things in your favor: small quantity of plants so intent to traffic is almost certain not be charged and therefore not pursued.
You were pretty stupid, but in all cases, DENY EVERYTHING! It's the best solution, they probably won't go to the effort of forensics etc, but if you admit to it there is 100% chance you'll get done for something. If you deny, then there a better chance you will get away with it...simple I know but it makes sense to me.

The police officer who called probably was just trying to get a quick close on the case, and chances are they won't persue further for 6 3.5" plants.

Just my opinion.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
First off let me slap you in the back of your head for the dummy parts.. Ok I feel better. Alot as said depends on where you liove. In the south yopur more likely to be in bigger trouble as the south aka bible belt is a bitch on weed. Now can they pull prints possibly did it rain? heavy dew out over the night? You should have had a good back story.. What you found my bag did you find my radio and ipod since my car was broken into last week.then go break your window and plastic it up or go get it fixed and keep a recipt. that explains the bag and .prints. now most cops wont bother to go through the trouble to do prints as they are lazy and it costs money. i had cars stolen and home broken into where I saw prints on the glass and they would just say nope cant get any too humid, or too hot, or what prints. depends on state city and priors. Do not admit to shit as i he is asking he is fishing to get proof. If he had enough he would have come got you already. Dont think he may not show up and try to scare you and cuff you up for a ride just be cool stay shut up and deny anything but don't be a dick or smugg. You are done growing now though and keeping your house legal is a must as you are now a target if its a smaller town which sounds like it if the state rod took over versus a local or county cop. Ride clean be good and wait and see dont panic or move or throw shit in the garbage as the call may have been a rouse plan to see how you react and they may watch for a minute to see if your spooked or toss stuff or run and hide. Be cool stay clean and just ride for a few months then a move from the county would benefit you.. please clean your cookies and computer logs and history on your computer after cxoming here as a direct trail to this site doesnt help you or the coimmunity


Active Member
I live in a small town in PA. A good backup story would have been nice but the way i think of it, if its my prints and only my prints, and they are on the cups the plants are in, there is no denying it. There was no rain, and no dew, this shit was taken the same day i put i out. Like i said i put it there and planned to do he dirty work that night, I know leaving stuff at the site is a horrible no no and I guess i was thinking it would be alright just to sit there for a half day until nightfall, boy was i wrong.

EDIT: making my house completely legal right now. The day my friend spotted the cop back there I tossed about 7 more plants that were 2 inches or so high going to go out in a week.


Active Member
Thanks a lot for the input guys. Im still really freaking out so any other tips are greatly appreciated.


Active Member
also, on the phone he asked me if I smoked marijuana ,I told him no, He asked if I ever smoked, and I told him I used to. He asked if I was ever in trouble and I told him yes, I was arrested a few years back for paraphenalia and fleeing or eluding an officer (he would have access to this info anyways id assume so i went ahead with it).


Well-Known Member
Silence is your best friend. Never admit to anything to a cop even if you are totally guilty. Cops always say if you admit guilt now we'll go easy on you...that's a load of bull shit. It is a cop's legal obligation to invest, arrest, charge people to the full extent of the law. This is their sworn public duty. If they don't do this they could get in big shit. Never believe that bullshit they tell you. It just opens you up for more charges to be pressed.

Also just because you are being silent doesn't mean you aren't being cooperative with the police investigation. Silence is one of your legal rights (and a constitutional one too). The very fact you spoke with the cops, didn't resisted arrest (that's if you have been), or haven't fled the country shows you are being cooperative. Also showing up to your trial shows you are being cooperative with the law. Don't let a cop make you think otherwise.

If anything when your lawyer talks to the the state's attorney handling your case then those two make a bargain among each other (usually this is the part where the law goes easy on you). Then at the trial the judge either approves or denies the plea bargain (90% of the time the judge approves the bargain as it looks bad for the state when the state's attorney and a judge are in opposition). However I will warn you/ when you enter a plea bargain you must first admit guilt. Then the judge will tell you are you aware you face a maximum sentence of XXXXX....(they mention the worse case scenario) and then you say yes. The the judge will talk about the terms of the plea bargain and either say they accept (or deny the terms) this where you can get screwed by a judge, basically because you have admitted guilt prior to a judge's acceptance or denial of the terms. Since you have to admit guilt for the plea bargain to work a judge can now throw the book at you (this only happens 10% of the time) Like I said you should be fine permitting you don't have a history of serous legal offenses (sex crimes, drug convictions, a shit ton of DUI's ect...). 90% of the time the judge just goes off the terms of the plea bargain or lowers them. I got lucky with my court case and the judge actually felt the plea bargain was too strict.

Make sure you get a good lawyer and tell the lawyer the absolute truth. Lawyer's don't care if you're guilty or not (well you really aren't guilty until proven so and that's the way lawyers view it even if you admit guilt to them. Under the eyes of our legal system you aren't proven guilt until a fair trial ends). You can admit total guilt to your lawyer (tell him all the facts truthfully don't leave a detail out) then the Lawyer will tell you your best options.

Also any time you get a lawyer to defend you it speaks miles about your character. Having a lawyer shows a judge you actually care to invest in your future and you're not some fucked up drug producer. Remember judges were lawyers once too and state's attorneys are willing to bargain with a lawyer more so than a defendant. In addition to that most judges take your legal fee into consideration as part of your punishment. All of my law professors have told me that little factoid (even though judges aren't suppose to do this they tend to). Often times judges do this for political reasons with in the legal system (I won't go into that).


Active Member
so far it seems youve played your cards the best you can. take the advice given to you by Filthy Fletch he seems to know whats up. im very unfamilliar with american law on that kind of stuff... dont give them any proof but DONT LIE! ya know what i mean? by tellin a load of lies you could be diggin yourself a very deep hole! also dont smoke any more try to clean out your system in case they do a drug test ( you never know).


Well-Known Member
How old are you that you weren't smart enough to plan it all out? Then flake on the plan you set up to go plant them without getting caught. & did you ever once think the farmer might be watching his field closer than you think? Was he never going to find the plants?

I'll tell you what happened. He saw a little kids run onto he property. Called the cops told them where you were at. They found your stuff & the little plants & they laughed because you weren't even smart Enough to take all your stuff with you. The farmer said "oh officer it's alright boys will be boys just give his mother a call. Scare him a bit to keep him off my land & if it happens again I'll call you"

I hate to be the dick of the group but you knew what you were getting into & you never planed anything the right way & you did everything half assed. I don't feel sorry for you because growing weed gurilla style isn't just "quick jog" I'll plant here & all set. You went about it all wrong & really imature.


A cop calling you and asking you these questions?

Are you sure it wasn't the farmer calling you messing with you??


Dunno something smells funny here, for 1 you said the bag had your last name right? And 2 did the bag have your sisters information on it, like the phone# address and what not? If so why would the state police contact you, and not your sister? I mean we aint the only ones that grow right. 4 i dont think it would be the state police contacting you, it would be a detective from the local DTF. Even b4 they did, contact you theyd probably watch you, your sister, and whoever else that stayed at the residence. Why would they trip over 6 plants when they can set back, and wait for a bigger bust? Just my 2 cents peace.........


This has to be the worst advice in this thread:

You should have had a good back story.. What you found my bag did you find my radio and ipod since my car was broken into last week.
If I were a cop, I would immediately ask for a police report of the incident since no normal person would not report their car being broken into.

then go break your window and plastic it up or go get it fixed and keep a recipt. that explains the bag and .prints. now most cops wont bother to go through the trouble
No... a receipt would show them that the window was broken/fixed conveniently on a date after being called by the cops and claiming it was already broken.

Look, what you did was stupid, but your only viable options if the cops call back is:

a) Say, "Look, I would love to help you but I don't have time to continuously be harassed by you guys." and either let them bring charges on you or drop it.

b) get a lawyer now and start working on a *real* defense.


Dunno something smells funny here, for 1 you said the bag had your last name right? And 2 did the bag have your sisters information on it, like the phone# address and what not? If so why would the state police contact you, and not your sister? I mean we aint the only ones that grow right. 4 i dont think it would be the state police contacting you, it would be a detective from the local DTF. Even b4 they did, contact you theyd probably watch you, your sister, and whoever else that stayed at the residence. Why would they trip over 6 plants when they can set back, and wait for a bigger bust? Just my 2 cents peace.........
Maybe it wasn't the police. Maybe it was the neighbor playing detective. I mean, if I found a bag in my backyard with my neighbor's last name, I'd be inclined to investigate.