Pics of Ripe Power Skunk, Anyone?


Well-Known Member
LMAO blesed thats funny stuff. Now hearing all this madness Ill watch for the herms too and for G13 I think they suck too but thats just my opinion. I have 1 diesel from G-13 labs going rite now it was free but female well see how that grows too.


Well-Known Member
I finally tried the Power Skunk today, it looked really funky and definitely wasn't done yet, had another week or so to go at least, but it smells great, (like grapefruit) tastes spicy, and got everyone really high. I'll be growing this again.


Well-Known Member
Thats funny I did the same thing. I actually broke 1 of the tiny popcorn nugs off and so I trimmed it and dried it and smoked it. It got me for about an hour and a half and had a very green taste already. Not Bad.


Active Member
That's the kind of stuff I like to hear my friends. REPS FOR EVERYONE! SALUT!bongsmilie ...:rolleyes: I want to live in a time where you're required to grow cannabis :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
Salute my friend its natural and its great for the mind and body who wouldnt want to grow this stuff.


Active Member
My Power Skunk has been flowering since BEFORE Christmas....I'm thinking of chopping them but they keep bulking up. I just want to smoke some nice sativa bud already but this shit takes forever.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
normally you have 2 buds that grow off a branch, one on each side that either stagger up the stem or that are symmetrical. 2 outta the 3 of my power skunk ladies have 3 buds instead of 2



Well-Known Member
man i have been growing power skunk for like 9 weeks and still have very small airy buds dont know why have foxfarm full line and a 400 hps wish i could get them to bud like that about to kill them and make room for some real buds


Active Member
Well, decided to chop mine today. Saw that some chopped at 77 days and said a few more days were needed....I think I got it. Checked the trics with my scope and they are milky, a FEW amber, which is what I like.

Biggest CON to this plant...all the damn leaves make it crazy long to trim. It took me about 8 hours to completely finish trimming my one...which was vegged the least. I honestly was ready to just make butter with a ton of bud because I didn't feel like trimming...such a bitch.


Well-Known Member
I understand now stoney thats crazy mine are the opposite. Dont feel bad I still dont have any real big dense nugs of this PS and I think I have another 2 or 3 weeks ledt well see the outcome.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
yeah same here. Im hoping for april 10th on these. One looks way more developed then the other 2 so I might chop those a couple weeks later. the buds are coming along ok but Im still waiting for them to thickin up a bit. The resin took a while to show up but its looks pretty coated now.
Hopefully its at least decent smoke


Well-Known Member
Im sure it will be. I accidently broke off 1 of the real small colas on my PS so I dried for a day put it in the pipe and let my cousin hit it and he had no Idea it was my PS it had a little flavor and decent taste the stone was even pretty powerful I stayed feelin rite for atleast a good hour and a half. Its premature by about 3-4 more weeks I think so I think that says alot. I will be curing for 1 month also.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
Mine? I have been in flowering since feb 10th. Started budding on like the 15th so the most mature one has been flowering for 39 days. Into the 6th week now.. wow time flies lol


Well-Known Member
Tell me about it Ive been flowering since jan 11th and they still seem like they have a ways to go before they are nice and plump.