Pics of pistil pods closed and open

Yes I'm new and I did a search on my question and only found info on initial sexing and or very obvious Male plant indicators. (which I may have in my photos) I've had a few successful harvests, been growing indoors about a year. I'm stumpted on this one... my two bag-seed plants (clones I took from a previous female plant) APPEAR to now have balls... (photo 1) but the pods don't have long stems and I have found no BANANA shaped indicators as I have seen on other hermied plants. These two plants are in their 5th week of flower.

The pods are tight to the stalk (no long stem, lots and lots of pistils) and they have all had the little v hairs growing out of the shaped pods initially. The pods are filled with clear liquid. I have all stages of development of these on the plants... some pods are young and look like photo #1 and some are popped open with long white pistils inside, like photo 2.

Am I just not recognizing a male when I see it? or a hermie?

Why would the pods be developing in different stages if it were a male creating seed pods?

Nice part is, I have 4 other plants in flower, in the same room, that may have now been fertilized by these two. Yee Haw!

Please, any and all opinions welcome.



Well-Known Member
I would not be joyed. Any plant that has the ability/tendency to hermie you want to euthanize it. You will spread that trait to its off spring. Its seeds that it pollinated will probably grow hermie plants. You will have hermie seeds up the ass if you donot separate the hermie from other flowering females.
My other plants have only been in flower for 7 days. (see 3 pics)

When does pollen spread? Is it too late for these other plants... at this stage of their development?

Should I pull the other young flowering plants and put them back into a 24 hour daylight and wait for Hermies to get past the pollen stage?



Well-Known Member
They will not get by the pollen stage. They will continue to make more and release more.

You want to kill the hermies and keep the good ones in the flower room.
Do you think these are pollenated by the hermies... I just went in and shook the plants... lots of fine dust. NICE!

THere are spots on the new plants that are already showing the two little hairs... is it too late?
I've been all over the net... cannot find any info on when a plant can be pollenated. Can you direct me to a site with pics and or explaination? I do appreciate your feedback.