***PICS*** New growth has dark blotches and is wilting ***PICS***


Active Member
Hello everyone,
My only White Label White Widow plant is showing signs of a nutrient deficiency or some type of fungus, but I was hoping someone could tell me. I am using the Aerogarden to veg it with a 18/6 light schedule. I have an 6" airstone and air pump. The plant is 17 days old and still in the vegging stage. I have a 12" inch fan circulating air with an ionic breeze. I have also added 4 additional daylight (Blue spectrum) 27 watt CFLs around the Aerogarden. This plant had problems within the first week. Older leaves started to curl up and looked burnt. I started off with 2 small aerogarden nutes in the beginning, but after I saw said result I flushed the reservoir and added pH'd distilled water (Friday 10/10/08). I have bought Fox Farm Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom, but I haven't used them yet since I wanted the plant to use up the nutrients from the Aerogarden nutes I added day one. The plant currently looks wilted and droopy, has dark blotches, and the color looks off. The roots do not smell and the color ranges from white to off white. Here are the current conditions.

Ambient Temperature: 80ºF
Water Temperature: 84ºF
Humidity: 41%
pH: 5.8 - 5.9


Thanks in advance!!


Active Member
that's just something that happens with the ag towards the start
Did you have those dark blotches and wiliting? I'm not too concerned with the bottom burnt leaf because that stopped when I flushed the reservoir (most likely nute burn), but the wilting and blotches are scaring me. I also have a feeling its growth is stunted. It's 17 days old and still only about 2-3 inches, but the roots are almost 2 feet in length. I'd would love to believe you, but I have been following your grow and your leaves looked flawless at this stage (Healthy green color and no wilting whatsoever). Thanks for the response man.


Active Member
Hello everyone,
It seems my situation is getting worse.

Current Conditions:
Ambient Temperature: 74ºF
Water Temperature: 78ºF
Humidity: 44%
pH: 6

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
I wish I could help but am currently going through my first grow through soil. I don't know what could be the issue with your setup. Just that the leaves are looking 'bloated' like as if they are overwatered. The spots and marks i have no idea why they would be caused but... have you grown in soil before or used this method that you are now using successfully?


Active Member
I could probably say its not nute burn, how are the roots?
Hey man,
This is my first grow ever. The roots are fine; they do not smell and range from an almost clear color to white to off white. The pump doesn't run 24/7 (tomato setting). The pump basically runs the same schedule as the lights 18 hours on 16 hours off so I don't think it's either being overwatered or underwatered since many people use the salad green setting (24/7 pump/lights). The leaves are getting brittle and you can literally see the dark spots getting worse compared to the shots taken earlier today. Thanks for the response.


Well-Known Member
As we've discussed in the chat, this is likely due to your confined space and air ionizer coupled with the lack of air refreshing. Air refresh/circulation is key, you need more and more CO2.


Active Member
i would look into your water temps...
Yeah, I'd have to agree with you. The water temperature should be about 10ºF cooler, but I do have an airstone to provide extra oxygen to the roots. I'm gonna try what KaliKitsune said by letting it sit outside for some fresh air and natural sunlight for a couple hours. I'll be sure to update the thread with results. Thanks!


Active Member
Did you have those dark blotches and wiliting? I'm not too concerned with the bottom burnt leaf because that stopped when I flushed the reservoir (most likely nute burn),.

Seems like you may be potentially shocking your little plant. The bottom leaf "burn" you had in the beginning seemed to be the norm, so had no real reason to flush. And if the temp of the new water differs to much from what it was in, can cause it to stop growing for a bit, or worse case scenario kill the plant entirely.

I've once lost about 3 large fem's (in soil) by adding water that was to warm for my plants that were sitting in a bit cooler environment. (Someone told me to warm up the roots, but failed to mention it should be a gradual process). Was a sad loss, but defiantly a learning experience.

Good luck to you.


Active Member
Hey one good thing I see in your plant, is the center still looks like a nice green. So can still pull through it!


Junior Creatologist
nobody thinks this is a cal/mag deficiency?? am i wrong in seeing this? im new to being able to identify plant problems, but arent those telltale signs of deficiencies??

What nutes are you using? and did you flush out your rez?? Ph?? NPK?? do you have a PPM meter for your plants?? like a truncheon or somethin similar to measure the nutrient salts level in your rez??


Active Member
you should definitely try running the air pump 24/7. This will help the water to constantly stay oxygenated and will help lower your water temps... Even though the lights are off, the roots still need oxygenated water. Also 80 degrees for your water is too high man, so running the air pump will help cool the water. Good luck.


Junior Creatologist
dude, do me a favor and post this question in general marijuana growing, or another experienced section of the forums. Im pretty sure its a nutrient deficiency n u need to change out your rez n remix n ph your water,

but you need to ask a proffesional with hydroponics. Newbies answering Newbies questions can sometimes lead to trouble. N No offense guys, you all sound liek you know what your talking about, otherwise you wouldnt try to give him advice right?? well, hes trying everytihng your tellin him to do, n it aint workin. So he needs to go post in another section where more experienced hydro growers are gonna be able to answer him.

post it in General MArijuana Growing, and the Hydroponics section. Youll get a definite answer there for sure.

hope that helped,



Well-Known Member
I'm still saying it's the air ionizers, and you will not see improvements on those leaves once ozone has eaten it away. You will have to wait for new growth. Do not fret. Just sit and watch and wait. And smoke a bowl while you wait. It's gonna take time. Worry if it starts appearing on NEW growth, that's when you're in trouble.