pics inside yellow leaf and browning please help


IMAG0326.jpgIMAG0324.jpgIMAG0325.jpgi got 5 plants and 1 of them well theres a pic any help please and are my other plants looking ok they being veg for a week now under 600 watt light but the timer broke so where on 24/0 but now got another 1 and it on 18/6 reps will be given thanksIMAG0323.jpg


Well-Known Member
yea they are still to small for nutes.. wait till that stem gets a little bigger... then progressively raise the ppm levels in your water when you start flower... for veg you dont want to go over 800 ppms and starting at about 300-400 ppms is the safest way to go..


Well-Known Member
you know what i wouldnt feed them anything besides ph water till you transplant them to bigger mediums..