PHOTOS!! First Seedling in Rockwool Grow - HELP WATERING !!!!

FRUSTRATION !!! Damn every freeking guide skips over what the hell to do AFTER germination but BEFORE tru vegging. But the seedling stage to me is the hardest fucking part!!! - Shit clones are easy compared to this but I wanted some new genetics and am trying to get some new moms...

Hey guys so first after the seeds popped 7 days ago I waited three days to water the rockwool. End of third day two seedlings drooped from lack of water - rockwool plug was DRY. Thought I had killed them - bounced back!
Started to water every other day -seemed fine. Moved plugs into 3" net cup and hydroton 3 days ago. Now I cant tell when to water, cause I cant see/feel/weight the rockwool. One stem has gotten thin on the Pineapple EX and it seems like I should water!!! Damn it was to easy with soil you can tell when its dry...

HELP when should I turn on my top watering system



How far away from the light are those seedlings?

a couple of them look like they are stretching.

also, are you making sure the rockwool is moist enough?


Active Member
I use a drip watering system. I have it on for an hour at a time 3 times a day. my plant popped ten days ago.

jimstar - The light has always been within an inch of the seedling. The stretchy is my Pineapple Express Freebie bean from Additude. Weird huh? It shot up like a fuckicking sativa! irst to pop and stretch. Rest have been more normal. a Moby Dick, a Skunk, and two Cali Hash.

brainfart -Have you been using that watering schedule the whole time? I must not be watering enough...


you know what man, i reckon you might be best off transplanting those rockwool cubes into larger ones.

I think that could sort your whole problem out.

move away the 'pebbles' and use a bigger r/w cube. let us know what happens.
Thanks for all the great feedback guys.

I deliberated a long time about this. My set up is based on 4inch pvc tubes with 3 inch baskets. When these guys are big enough they will transplant into a 4inch pvc set up in my flower booth. The rockwool plugs with hydroton pebbles seemed like the best way to keep the roots airrated. I guess I could buy the 4 inch cubes and cut them to fit the net pots. Will this really gain me alot? I know it will cost me a few bucks for each cube. Hydroton I can reuse. Each run I will have to buy more rockwool and cut it down... yadda yadda. I am not saying I wont do this if its the best way but is it really superior given my set up?