PHILOSOPHY: Immanuel Kant


Well-Known Member
I happen to have studied some of Kant's writings, but I don't get OPs point: why would members of a pro-canabis forum profit from Kant's writing ? While I do agree there are some really powerful synthesis' in his work, late Kant basically turned into a moral pedant ... not really open to drugs or new forms of experiences. He actually even found women to be more of a distraction than anything else. Young Kant though might have been a pleasant forum member!


Active Member
One thing is the video does not touch on is the particulars of what is just behavior? Do you know any of his writings that touch upon this subject? And let me ask you what is justice?
Kant was not interested in what was just. Kant was concerned with distinguishing what is right from what is wrong,and he did write about this topic in his Second Critique. I have not read much of the second, although I read the critique of pure reason. Kant has a very clear position on ethical dilemmas. You cannot morally justify lying in Kant's view. I haven't made up my mind about that his morality, but so far, my metaphysics and epistemology is heavily Kantian.